Child Abandonment and Adoption Centers

​This paper will be about Child abandonment in low-income communities. I will focus on the main facts of why families struggle the why they do and why children become abandoned and how it can affect them as a child. I will speak on the long terms of child abandonment and short-term aspects. I will also talk about what can happen to a child that is placed and born in a low-income community and the effects it can have on the child if he or she run away and become abandoned from their parents.

I want this essay to give you the proper information on why parents abandon their children and will give real-life examples of what I’ve experienced throughout my life of how and why children become abandoned in urban communities with low income.

​A lot of people consider them having a baby as their blessing from God but there are a lot of people in this world who don’t care for them after they are born.

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When we are little kids we depend on our parents one hundred percent of the time. We look at our parents as our superheroes and support systems. A lot of children don’t have the opportunity to stay with their parents, some must live in foster homes or children's homes and will never know if they will see their parents ever again. 

Parents in low-income communities takes a big part of why children become abandoned as well because some families don’t have the money to take care of the children and some blame their children for the reasons of being broke or living in a terrible community.

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Some parents are broke and not able to take care of families because of the communities sometimes. Child abandonment became more serious for our country and even in other countries, it might happen more often than it does over here. 

Child abandonment is relatively common now and has always been. People say it remains in understanding social phenomena. It has always been common even in the earliest times and even in our modern days. Children nowadays are still being ejected from their homes and abandoned in a matter of days and months. When children are placed on the streets in the communities and become homeless and abandon, things like this are rarely discussed until new reports are shown to remind the communities and world that there are still children left out on the streets and inside broken homes.

What is abandonment and how does it work? Child abandonment is historically first mentioned about providing basic care for parentless children. When you abandon something or someone that means you are leaving something behind or giving up on it. When a child is abandoned by the parent it can be from many different types of reasons. It can happen all at one time or in can happen from a long period of neglect from the parents. Another type of abandonment can be when a custodial parent leaves their child several times for short and long period without binding reasons. The parent can leave less than a day or two but when the day starts to build up when they are gone that can give the court a reason a file against you. Another reason a child becomes abandoned is poverty. 

Most parents know that the child will find a better home with higher social standers and that can cause a parent to leave because they know they can’t take care of them. Most parents go into the wrong direction when they are low on money. Other reasons can be from substance abuse, mental illness, emotional abuse, and fear. A lot of parents have their children at a young age and that’s when most people have the most struggles in life. For example, there is a show called “Teen Mom” where on the show all the parents are very young between the ages of 16-19. Teenage pregnancies are becoming a disturbing trend. From January to April this year, 111 such cases were reported to the Welfare Department, compared with 131 cases last year and 107 cases in 2008. 

According to MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong, the statistics provided by the Welfare Department may only be the tip of the iceberg (UK.November 2018). Most of their reason for abandonment is fear. These types of parents on this show struggle with drugs and they attempt to try to provide for their family but end up falling apart. They usually rely on their parents, foster cares and adoption centers. Most children that are put into adoption centers usually feel lost and unwanted by their caretakers. Researchers say that homeless youth often leave their homes to escape maltreatment (Ferguson, 2009; Kim, Tajima, Herrenkohl, & Huang, 2009).

When children are abandoned the effect can become more drastic over time, such as turning to gangs or drugs. People join gangs for many different reasons for example, “Some find a feeling of caring and attention gangs. It becomes almost a family to them where they might find comfort. This is when the communities become a big outcome of how that abandon child form into. Communities can be a big part of why children can be homeless especially when it is a low-income community. 

From my experience, most low-income communities are mostly urban communities. That’s where you see the gangs and the high rate of violence. A lot of children in those types of area run away from home because the way they were treated, or they were influenced then they become those homeless/abandoned children that are joining the gangs and being placed in foster homes. In the urban communities, it’s hard for people to find jobs or at least decent jobs to provide for their children that are at risk of being homeless. Some parents have their babies homeless already, so it becomes a problem from the beginning of that mother’s decision of having that child. 

And some become addicted to drugs and instantly forget they have children sometimes. Throughout my life, I’ve been friends with a lot of people who have been neglected, abandoned or abused and it showed a lot when I became close to them. I started to realize it on my own without them telling me. When people think of abandonment They think of long term and long periods, but it can be two days especially if a parent doesn’t have any real reasons. Motivations differ, but the act has been present since the time of the earliest man. For example, Moses was left by his mother in a conscious effort to save his life. In this example, there was abandonment, but for the safety of the child (Burnstein, 1981), but the old times are a little different from today’s generation.

Parents and the children must have good relationships to prevent child abandonment. Both parents play a very big part in their children’s lives, each has a different impact and has a different role for the child. I know a lot of people who doesn’t have their father in the home, so it made things hard for the mother and they were able to be taking care of so they had to live with their grandmothers or god parents. abandonment is when a mother removes herself from her children’s lives and cutting off all communication she has with the child. A child may begin to feel unloved and too stressful for the parent and that’s what may drive a mother away. 

This can cause a child to be afraid of having a relationship with the teacher, adults, stepparents and many other types of caregivers. Some parenting styles that people use can also trigger a child’s liking of the parent. Strict parents can also be the ones to draw their children off because most kids don’t like to listen, so they use that as an excuse to run away. The parents that are soft on their children allow their children to have anything they want usually causes their children to become spoiled. Children must be taught what to do and not to do and what they can and cannot have. We all as a world make mistakes but some parents think their child does everything wrong or can do nothing wrong. 

A parent/s who can never take charge of their child and fully resolve a problem that their child can’t solve. The children can easily lose respect for the parents then it becomes hard for them to control the child. When a child is put into an uncomfortable place they can tend to act as scared and possibly run away while you're asleep. “There have been 120 runaway adolescents and their parents/caretakers. Studies in this article address that parent relationships have relied on the way adolescents report of their parent’s behaviors. The findings suggest that runaway and homeless adolescents accurately depict the troubled family situations that they choose to leave (Schweitzer, 1994).

​Children abandonment can be traced all the way back into ancient times. Back in that time if a baby was left alone and abandoned they was considered murder because they were exposed to the dogs, cold and they become hungry. It was times when the mother left the child at a church because they couldn’t take care of child and they will hope they child is taken and put in a better environment. There are multiple reasons for the child abandonment. 

Most often it happens that the abandoned child is left by a single mother and no father in the household. Some people may say child abandonment is rare, but it happens all over the world in every country, school and home. It can easily destroy the relationships between the child and the abandon-er. A lot of parents have a lot to learn so we can stop having abandoned child running the streets and decreasing the number of children that comes into foster homes each day. Making children happy each day is very important us as social worker and we have to make sure we protect the future from thing like abuse and abandonment.    

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Updated: Feb 26, 2024
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