Catcher In The Rye Christy Cheriyan English Literature Essay

Categories: English Language

In the novel `` Catcher in the Rye '' by J.D Salinger, the chief character, Holden Caulfield, tells us an autobiography of how he pass his Christmas holiday after he was kicked out of his school. Holden views the universe as an immorality and corrupt topographic point where there is no peace. Holden goes through a nervous dislocation at the terminal of the novel. His valid critical positions and sentiments on society are non the cause of the nervous dislocation, but instead the realisation that he is powerless to alter the society.

Holden states many sentiments and beliefs that are valid responses to the world.

There is no doubting that Holden is pure and uncorrupt in some ways. It is his really goodness and morality in some facets of life that lead him to hard state of affairs in his life. After Holden leaves Pencey Prep he checks in to the Edmont Hotel. `` I did n't desire to look like a crackpot or something.

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Which is truly dry. I did n't cognize so that the blasted hotel was full of deviants and idiots. Screwballs all over the topographic point. '' ( Page 61 ) . He starts to acquire down from this point on as the more he looks around this universe, the more cheerless life seems. When he sees a adult male cross dressed and a twosome ptyalizing H2O at each other, he starts to experience that the universe is full of sham and corrupt people who have no regard for each other.

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He even feels his male parent is bogus, `` Lawyers are all right, I guess -- but it does n't appeal to me, I said. I mean they 're all right if they go around salvaging guiltless cats ' lives all the clip, and like that, ... All you do is do a batch of dough and play golfaˆ¦ and expression like a hot-shot. How would you cognize you were n't being a hypocrite? The problem is, you would n't. '' ( Page 172 ) . A Lawyer has to turn out their client is guiltless even if they 're non. Holden 's male parent is a attorney, Holden feels that being a attorney will do him more phonier like his male parent.

Furthermore, Holden 's belief in Catholicism is non truly strong, which might be due to his male parent holding to go forth his religion to get married Holden 's female parent. Holden references that everybody in his household is atheist. But Holden does n't wholly disregard his spiritual beliefs, `` Finally, though, I got undressed and got in bed. I felt like praying or something, when I was in bed, but I could n't make it. I ca n't ever pray when I feel like it. In the first topographic point, I 'm kind of an atheist. I like Jesus and all, but I do n't care excessively much for most of the other material in the Bible. Take the Disciples, for case. They annoy the snake pit out of me, if you want to cognize the truth. They were all right after Jesus was dead and all, but while He was alive, they were approximately every bit much usage to Him as a hole in the caput. All they did was maintain allowing Him down. I like about anybody in the Bible better than the Disciples. '' ( Page 99 ) from this statement, we know that Holden likes Jesus it 's merely the Christian elements he hates such as the adherents. Holden is more into monk life like Jesus and Buddha sing his focal point on speculation to populate a pure and simple life. We can see this when his generous action towards the nuns, `` I told them I had rather a spot of money with me, but they did n't look to believe me. The both of them kept thanking me '' ( Page 110 ) . Holden 's chief mission is to protect the kids from the corrupt universe and made him inquire how these nuns attempt to populate a pure life in a universe full of corruptness. Throughout the novel we can see that nuns are the lone pure and uncorrupt grownups.

For these grounds Holden is worried about the kids who will be turning up as grownups. But eventually he gives up the thought of altering the universe `` I went down by a different stairway, and I saw... another `` Fuck you '' on the wall. I tried to rub it off with my manus once more, but this one was scratched on, with a knife or something. It would n't come off. It 's hopeless, anyhow. If you had a million old ages to make it in, you could n't rub out even half the `` Fuck you '' marks in the universe. It 's impossible. '' ( Page 201 ) From this line we can understand Holden tries his best in protecting the artlessness of kids and Holden can non bare the fact that people do n't hold any regard. Holden does n't desire people, particularly kids to be topics of impure stuffs like 'Fuck you ' . Holden wanted to be the backstop in the rye who catches kids from falling off the drop, but Holden does n't recognize that he is one who is traveling to fall mentally.

Finally, Holden hits the last phase of depression `` All the childs kept seeking to catch for the gold ring, and so was old Phoebe and I was kind of afraid she 'd fall off the goddam Equus caballus, but I did n't state anything or make anything. The thing with childs is, if they want to catch for the gold ring, you have to allow them make it, and non state anything. If they fall off, they fall away, but it 's bad if you say anything to them '' ( Page 221 ) this is where he eventually realizes that he is powerless to halt kids from turning into grownups. The gold ring that Holden province 's is non existent gold but brass covered in involute gold. The gold ring symbolizes the universe which ever wears a glistening surface to conceal its corruptness. As he tells Phoebe that she ca n't run off, he excessively discovers he can non run off `` That 's the whole problem. You ca n't of all time happen a topographic point that 's nice and peaceable, because there is n't any. You may believe there is, but one time you get at that place, when you 're non looking, person 'll mouse up and compose `` Fuck you '' right under your olfactory organ '' ( Page 204 ) . Many might believe Holden is merely another adolescent with pique but he is person who should be looked up to in our society, he should be considered as a function theoretical account or a modern twenty-four hours prophesier who is able to demo us the defects in our society.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Catcher In The Rye Christy Cheriyan English Literature Essay essay
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