Capitalism and Communism

Categories: Wealth of Nation

An ideology starts with the belief that things can be better, and then progresses into a plan to improve the currant state of a society. During the 20th century, the world saw the confrontation of two political, social, and economic ideologies: commercialism and communism. Industrialism appeared when Scottish financial expert Adam Smith released "The Wealth of Nations" during the late 1700's. Nearly a century later, as a response to commercialism, Karl Marx published "The Communist Manifesto"; a book that roughly criticized commercialism and forecasted its fall.

Commercialism and communism are 2 incredibly different systems. They generally differ by their financial and social visions of how society and the economy should be handled.

Smith postulated that the amassment of gold and silver in a nation's treasury does not imply much, however in fact it's the real amount of trading that is done that defines a "Rich Country". Smith reasoned that federal government disturbance in economy associated concerns just slowed down development. As an example, if the federal government agrees on approving monopole over a sector to a particular business, you eradicate competitors and with it all efforts to advance and create brand-new and less expensive products.

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Smith likewise postulated that without government intervention the marketplace itself will control the economy through supply and demand. Facing this system that motivates private ownership of markets and open market was communism.

Communism is a very revolutionary ideology. Marx postulated that the capitalist routines would be ultimately over-thrown by the proletariat in what he called the "Class Battle".

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Unlike industrialism, communism in theory promoted a society where there was no class difference, where the federal government would be handed down to the proletariat (working class), and where ownership of land, indicates of production, and riches by the working class government will be equally redistributed over all residents. The specific life of a person in a communist society varies greatly from one in a capitalist system, mainly since of the economic system.

The capitalist model encourages private ownership of industries, competition, innovation, and free trading. This form of economy allows an individual to dream and pursue his education in an attempt to reach a higher social or economic standard. Most of the major scientific breakthroughs were accomplished and invested in by individuals who were competing with others, and ultimately were seeking wealth. When a person is born in a capital system he is allowed to determine his future and to struggle to reach his own envisioned utopia. On the other hand, the communist system predefines the life of an individual, and restricts it to a task that he has to accomplish in order to secure the better good of society. A member of the proletariat leans towards becoming an automated machine that has no sovereignty over his future, or as a matter of fact over his own life.

It is safe to postulate that the capitalist system reflects human nature, better than the communist system.

Capitalism survived many major depressions, thanks to its flexibility. It is today the most prominent economic system in the world. Communism on the other hand was never literally applied. Different types of communist systems existed: Maoism, Leninism, and Titoism. Most of these systems never reached a real utopist communist society, but as a matter of fact became tyrannies, a fact that led to there inevitable decline.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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