Becoming a Medical Billing Specialist

I love working with people and on computers. So I looked for a career where I can do both. Deciding to become a Medical Billing Specialist was the perfect choice for me. When I first entered into the medical field, I became a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). I love doing my job because I was able to help others in need. As time passed I knew I wanted to do more but I just didn’t know what that was.

Then one day I went to the doctor’s office with a patient for a routine checkup and I started talking to one of the medical assistants.

She asked me if I liked my job. I told her that I love what I did but I wanted something more. I also mentioned that I had went to school for basic computer training before I went to school for CNA. Then she said that I should think about going to school for Medical Billing and Coding.

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When I started looking into the field, I was astonished. I would be able to do the two things I love, working with people and on computers.

I discover that a person interested in medical billing and coding should have excellent knowledge of the field, is willing to help those in need and have flexibility to obtain additional training for job advancement. “Medical coding is a key step in the medical billing process. Every time a patient receives professional health care in a physician’s office, hospital outpatient facility or ambulatory surgical center(ASC), the provider must code and create a claim to be paid, whether by a commercial payer, the patient or CMS(The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services)” (American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), 2010).

A medical coder’s main job is to look over patient’s records and other information to code and classify a patient’s diagnosis or procedure.

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Then they must assign and input the correct diagnostic code to establish the amount of money a provider receives from the insurer. Coders are also responsible for making sure codes meet all federal, legal and insurance regulations. Jeffress (2003-2010) specifies that “the healthcare industry depends on skilled medical billing and coding specialists to accurately record and register patient information, verify their insurance policies, and keep track of patient accounts”.

When a patient comes in to the doctor’s office, you are the first and last person they come in contact with. So it is important that you get all of the patient’s information to properly start off their file. You also have to make sure the patient has their proper health insurance and understand what their responsibilities are for co-payment, if needed. They would have to fill out different documentation about them and their family medical history. It is also important to help them understand how to fill out these forms so that everything can be properly documented in their file.

When the patient sees the doctor, he/she will have a somewhat understanding of why the patient is visiting. While the patient is seeing a doctor, the doctor may tell them a few things that they might not understand. So the patient might come and ask you questions pertaining to what the doctor just told them. By being trained in the field you learn about medical terminology. This is when you breakdown what was told to them. You would be able to explain to them the medical diagnosis or procedure the doctor has told them about. Help them understand what the doctor wants them to do.

Updated: Jul 20, 2021
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Becoming a Medical Billing Specialist. (2018, Oct 25). Retrieved from

Becoming a Medical Billing Specialist essay
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