Analysis Of The City Of Bones By Cassandra Clare

Categories: Research

In this review I will discuss a book called The City of Bones by Cassandra Clare a New York Times bestselling author.

Narration: The story is narrated in the third person, it follows Clary and some other characters which makes the book much more interesting as we can vividly see the different places where the characters go, and we have an insight into their thoughts. The narration type was a very reliable source for information because the information was not biased as we could read about how the other characters were feeling about the same situation or the other people in the story.

We also learn more about the plot of this book through the dialogue of the characters.

Setting: The book is set-in modern-day New York. This New York is different to the one that others live in as this New York is full of vampires, werewolves, fairies and demons. Most of the book takes place in the shadowhunters institute which is a gothic style church.

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The setting doesn’t influence the plot of the book because places such as the institute is hidden from people known as mundane which means that the shadow hunters don’t have to deal with people finding out who they are or what they do.

Theme: The most prominent theme in this book is love. In the book we see romantic love between Jace and Clarissa. During the book they both admit their love for one another which is shown throughout the book as they both would do anything to keep each other safe.

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The story also follows how Jace learns to love because he was always told as a child that “to love is to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”

The book also deals with identity issues. There is a closeted gay character who is coming to terms with wanting to tell his family but also not wanting to upset the balance of the way things are and he does not want to seem less masculine than he is.

The importance of family and loyalty is another subject is this book. The shadowhunters are very loyal to their family and will do whatever it takes to keep them safe and make sure that their family name is not tarnished.

Genre: The genre of City of Bones is fantasy, romance and action. This book is unique because there are not many books that have a race of shadowhunters who fight demons to protect the human world. This book is like other fantasy books as a lot of books in this genre deal with the journey the characters go on in real life but also within themselves.

Author: City of Bones is written by Cassandra Clare who is a New York times bestselling author. Overall, she has wrote close to 20 books that are published with more on the way. Most of her popular books are set in the Shadow World. Her books are set in different time periods for example The Infernal Devices is set in the 1800s but a couple of the characters in these books are also in the The Mortal Instruments and The Dark Artifices books.

Plot: City of Bones is a young adult fantasy novel and is the first book in a six-book series. It tells the story of 16-year-old Clarissa Fray who is living a regular teenage life in New York until she witnesses a murder by people only she can see. She soon realizes that she is part of this race of Shadowhunter's who defend the world against demons and other creatures such a werewolves, vampires and fairies. It follows Clary as she deals with her mother's disappearance and her new life with the shadowhunters.

Evalution: This book is one of my favorite books because I love the world and the characters. The world makes me wish they I could just get into the book and spend the rest of my days there. The characters make the story so much more interesting because they all have different personalities and wishes. I have read most Cassandra Clare's books and I have reread them on multiple occasions. Cassandra Clare's books are my friends when I have no one else. I would tell everyone who hasn’t read these books to pick them up as soon as possible not only will you experience a whole new world you will discover what it’s like to fall in love with reading again.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Analysis Of The City Of Bones By Cassandra Clare. (2024, Feb 09). Retrieved from

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