Analysis Of Letter to My City By Troy L. Wiggins


"All millennials do not share the same Memphis experiences." Troy L. Wiggins quotes as he began to tell his story. Troy's narrative on "Letter to my city" is a story about his horrendous experience in Memphis Tennessee. At the time of his narrative, he highlighted the unnamed neighborhood in north Memphis where he experienced both extreme poverty and a loving community. He also tells a story about how he was not born here and moved to Memphis with his family.

Troy's main goal is to expose the hypocrisy of the "Memphis Loves Everybody" claim seen on one Midtown wall. This paper seeks to explain the purpose of troy writing his narrative, to appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos and how he address his argument.

Ethos, Logos and Pathos in Letter to My City

The purpose of this narratives to try to inform the millennials of Memphis, reminding them about the danger and violence in their surroundings . Troy does not want them to overlook it or become gullible around the city they live in.

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he is trying to spread his opinion about the lies and safety concerns within Memphis. Troy Wiggins wrote his narrative voicing his pessimistic outlook of Memphis Tennessee.

In " Letter to my city " published in The Memphis Flyer, on July 6, 2017, Troy Wiggins astonishingly uses his personal experiences with moving to Memphis to warn about the crisis in Memphis and how this city does not, by his view, love everyone. Troy enlightens the reader about the offensive situations and the struggles he had to face.

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The police brutality he had to deal with. He also discloses about the racial discrimination and murder he has seen with his own eyes. He uses the landmarks he encounters and experiences he has on his drives through midtown Memphis. Memphis has indicated that the city is welcoming and harmless. Troy strongly disagrees with that proclamation. He uses the social media platform like Facebook, and Twitter to get the attention of the younger generation to share his personal experience. He also makes reference to the marvel defenders series movie characters using them to make a valid point and create a vivid sense of imagery to the reader of his narrative. He wants them to know that the violence in Memphis is real and racism is still real in Memphis. Troy Higgins is out to persuade his audience of millennials, that they have the right to stay safe and hear the truth. He uses logos by referencing people who have the same experience or issues too. Along with effective logos appeals, Troy effectively makes appeals to pathos in the middle and end of his narrative.

Diction in Letter to My City

The body of his narrative is full of emotions that create an empathetic appearance. For instance, troy stated that he was going to die and his life was almost taken from him. Troy wants black lives to matter. The images he provokes are the challenges and racism he faces being black in Memphis. Troy uses deep emotion in his narrative to present his ideas such as the fear a black man feels any time he in the presence of the police, especially considering the history of police brutality. His goal is to make the reader feel sympathy for him and black people. Adding to this idea are words and phrases such as, “ blue life,” “police,” “dying,” “ dead” “blood,” “be judged,” “be shunned”. All of these words elicit negative emotions about the violence and police brutality in Memphis, which makes the reader sympathize with Troy who feel “judged” and shunned” — very negative feelings.

Reflection on Millenial Life in the Paper

In addressing millennials, Wiggins reflected on his life as a millennial in Memphis, Tennessee. Again, he wants to remind millennials to take the crime and violence in Memphis seriously, especially police violence. Black lives matter. He uses imagery and dialogue to create a visual scene so the reader of his story can understand better. Troy Wiggins use an angry tone while describing his experience with police violence and murder. He uses strong emotion referencing innocent black people who suffer through police violence. In his narrative his mentions, Sandra, Tamir, and others who were wrongly accused of violence in Memphis. troy used logos to state his facts. His logos example was social and his social media platform was Facebook. Contrary to Memphis’ claim, that“ Memphis loves everybody,” Troy strongly disagrees with that proclamation and uses a social media to make his point.


In conclusion, this paper seeks to explain the purpose of Troy writing his narrative, to appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos and how he addresses his argument. Troy Wiggins want to warn the audience of his paper about the violence and murder in Memphis. As it states in his narrative, Troy's main goals are to expose the hypocrisy of the "Memphis Loves Everybody" claim seen on one Midtown wall. The purpose of his story is to warn the millennial in Memphis, reminding them about the danger and violence in Memphis Tennessee. Mostly the police brutality he has to face. Troy does not want his target audience to overlook the issue and become gullible around their surroundings. He essentially wants to inform millennials about the lies about racist and safety of police officer in Memphis. Troy enlightens the reader about the offensive situation and the struggles he has to face. The police brutality he has to deal with. He also discloses about the racial discrimination and murder he has seen with his own eyes. He uses the landmarks he encounters and experiences he has on his drives through midtown he states in his paper, I <3 Memphis" and "Memphis Loves Everybody."

Memphis doesn't love me. Memphis loves those other millennials, Memphis doesn't love me. Memphis glares at me suspiciously in its tourist Memphis loves not loving me and people like me. He uses this to explain the truth about Memphis. He is using repetition to explain why Memphis doesn't love him, but not only refers to him. It’s a reference to black people as a whole. it refers to the police violence black people have to face. It refers to the crime, poverty, and life of being not safe in Memphis. It refers to the overlook racism in Memphis around black people. Black live matter, but Memphis doesn't see it that way.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Analysis Of Letter to My City By Troy L. Wiggins. (2024, Feb 12). Retrieved from

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