An Analysis of Les Miserables' Bring Him Home

Categories: Short Story

One of the most popular songs in Les Miserables is the song entitled Bring Him Home. It is sung by Jean Valjean in Act II of Les Miserables as a form of prayer to God in order for a young man named Marius to be able to return home to the woman he loves, Cosette (Guy & Llewelyn-Jones, ). The story behind the song is that Cosette was an orphan whom Jean Valjean had cared for who fell in love with the young man named Marius.

However, Marius had become involved in a series of anti-government riots, which puts her relationship with Cosette in a very awkward position.

Jean Valjean decides to help Marius get back to Cosette, and this song was his prayer (Guy and Llewelyn-Jones, ). The prominent theme in the song is the longing for the safety of another individual. It was, in a sense, finding happiness in the happiness of another, and the singer, Valjean, indicated that he wanted the young boy named Maruis to be able to be brought home safely, back to the arms of Cosette.

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Valjean sings to the Lord, appealing to Him, and trying to reason to Him, that Marius deserved to be able to go home.

He sings: “He is young, he's afraid, let him rest, heaven blessed. Bring him home. Bring him home. Bring him home” (NIEHS, n. d. ). Valjean goes on to sing that if he had a son, it would have been Marius, and despite the anti-government riots Marius had participated on, Valjean believes that he is a good man and he deserves to be able to have a shot at life for he is very young.

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In fact, Valjean even sings that: “You can take, you can give, let him be let him live. If I die, let me die.

Let him leave, bring him home” (NIEHS, n. d. ). If one is to read this carefully, it would mean that Valjean's song is saying that, it does not matter if he dies, as long as God spares this young man who is in love with Cosette and brings him home. References NIEHS. (n. d. ). Bring Him Home. Retrieved from http://kids. niehs. nih. gov/lyrics/bringhom. htm. Guy, A. & Llewelyn-Jones, I. (2004). A student's guide to GCSE music: For the WJEC specification. London: Rhinegold Publishing Ltd.

Updated: Dec 26, 2023
Essay's Scoring Result:
Expert's Assessment
The essay provides a basic overview of "Bring Him Home" from Les Misérables, covering its context and themes. It demonstrates a fundamental understanding but lacks depth and critical analysis. Structural issues affect coherence, and grammar impedes clarity. Citations are present but limited. The exploration could benefit from a more in-depth examination of the song's musical and emotional aspects. Overall, a decent attempt, but it falls short of a comprehensive and insightful analysis.
How can you enhance this essay?
To enhance the essay, consider delving deeper into the musical elements of "Bring Him Home," analyzing its melody, instrumentation, and how these contribute to the emotional impact. Strengthen critical analysis by exploring contrasting perspectives on the character of Marius and the anti-government riots. Improve overall coherence by restructuring paragraphs for a smoother flow. Additionally, aim for more diverse and scholarly sources to enrich the discussion. Address grammar issues to enhance clarity, ensuring each sentence contributes effectively to the essay's purpose.
This essay's assessment was conducted by:
Prof. Jane Thompson
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An Analysis of Les Miserables' Bring Him Home. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from

An Analysis of Les Miserables' Bring Him Home essay
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