Addressing Heart Disease Disparities in Black Communities

The topic I have chosen is heart disease. Heart disease affects the function of your heart causing it to not work properly. I chose this topic because of my family history going back years and having this disease. My grandmother had to have her heart stopped and restarted because of this. Some people say that eating habits and our daily exercise play a major role in our everyday health. This problem occurs mostly in people of color because of our family history of eating, and traditions.

For example neck bones, oxtails, fatback, and fried chicken just to name a few. These foods have grease and other fatty characteristics that clog your major arteries. My goal is to educate people on heart disease in an effort to decrease the chances of one having heart disease.

Heart disease is prevalent in Black communities and I chose to do my research on this terminal illness because my grandmother, whom I am very close to happens to be a victim.

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After seeing my grandma pass out at my sister's graduation going to the hospital to have her stopped hoping that it would start on its own. Knowing the cause can help prevent it from happening in the future or it can give you the ability to stop it before it's too late. Black communities are not well educated on their bodies and the health risk of what they eat. Being informed about these everyday risks they are taking can lower the percentage of people with heart disease.

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According to an article by the CDC titled African Americans Heart Disease and Stroke Fact Sheet, there are over 1.5 million heart attacks each year roughly 44% are African American men and roughly 48% are African American women (1). Heart disease is vital to everyone, but mainly Black people because they are predisposed to it. Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes are all factors that increase the risk of a patient being diagnosed with Heart Disease. All of these factors are most common in black families which is why the ratio of Black people and White people is disproportionate.

Recent discoveries by Leonard I Ganz, MD, FHRS, FACC, and David L Hayes, MD titled “Cardiac implantable electronic devices: Patient follow-up”, talks about how pacemakers and other heart monitoring devices are being used more frequently. This is now the age of technology so there has been an increase in other electronic discoveries to find ireegulatory beats in the heart which would lead to the use of pacemakers and other cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) (2). Even the post surgery has changed being bable to remote control monerting devises that give alrets on a day to day bases.

My plan for the future is to provide health care to the low-income community. Health care plays a major role in the black community and not being able to go to the doctor. Going to the doctor regularly helps find things you never knew you had, for example, heart problems or even help you get medication. If more people had health care the heart problem would decrease in a major way. Obama care was a great example of this forcing a person to have health care. Overall this helped get the low-income community to the doctors. It also punished people who didn't get any health coverage. Even though, think on the behave of its people its about money. People not having health care gives the government more money.

Updated: Jan 25, 2024
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Addressing Heart Disease Disparities in Black Communities. (2024, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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