Absolute Poverty

Poverty is considered one of the world’s most intractable problems. Although there are people in poverty in the United States and in other developed countries, those living in developing countries are at greater risk for what has been called «absolute poverty.» Women and children constitute the majority of impoverished people across the globe.

This leads to disease and malnutrition. Bolivia is a country in the middle of South America, bordered by Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, and Peru. After a turbulent history of coups d'etat, serfdom, and poverty, the country now maintains a stable democracy with universal suffrage, increased educational opportunities, and a rising standard of living.

 It is larger than France and Spain combined.

Types of Poverty

To those who are poor, poverty would seem to have no differences. But several kinds of poverty have been described. They are based on such factors as duration (how long the condition lasts) and distribution (how widespread it is). Each type of poverty is a response to different social or economic circumstances.

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Cyclical Poverty

​Cyclical poverty may be widespread, but it lasts for a limited time. In developing countries, cyclical poverty typically involves food shortages caused by natural disasters such as floods or drought. In developed (or industrialized) countries, cyclical poverty is caused mainly by variations in the business cycle. The economies of these countries go through periods of prosperity and recession, commonly referred to as “boom and bust.” When an economic slump occurs, as happened in 2007–09—and most seriously in the Great Depression of the 1930s—many workers lose their jobs.

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In 1935, for example, there were about 20 million people unemployed in the United States. When the economy revives, cyclical poverty tends to disappear.

Significant changes in industrial economies have led to what is called structural unemployment. Such loss of jobs results not so much from an economic slump as from technological innovations that change the structure of the economy. One example is automation, the process in which machines take over tasks that had been performed by people. Many workers find themselves with skills for which there are no jobs, while some jobs remain unfilled because workers with the proper skills cannot be found. Structural unemployment may last many years before workers can be retrained or move to a new labor market. Whole regions of some countries—such as coal-mining, steel-producing, and shipbuilding areas—have been hurt by changes in labor markets.

Collective Poverty

Collective poverty affects a large number of people for a long period of time. Because this type of poverty is persistent, it is also called permanent poverty. Collective poverty may be passed on from generation to generation, from parents to their children. People living in collective poverty typically suffer from poor health and have low life expectancies.

​Collective poverty is common in large geographic regions where economic development is low. Whole countries or sections of the world can be classified as poor. Collective poverty affects most of Africa south of the Sahara. It is also widespread in parts of Asia, the Middle East, Central America, and South America. Within a country, too, there are often extensive pockets of poverty that endure for generations. Such regions include Appalachia in the eastern United States, the northern section of England, and southern Italy. Collective poverty can also be concentrated in sections of cities where economic and educational opportunities are limited.

Case Poverty

Case poverty involves individuals or families who are unable to support themselves even when the society around them is generally prospering. This type of poverty is often caused by an inability to work. People suffering from case poverty may, for example, be chronically ill or physically or emotionally disabled.

Reducing Poverty

The most effective way to reduce poverty is through economic development. In developing countries, efforts to address poverty may focus on expanding agriculture, industry, or both. Economic growth requires a larger labor force, giving more people the chance to earn enough money to lift themselves out of poverty. Such growth can be difficult to achieve, however. In the poorest countries, governments, like the people, are poverty stricken. They owe large sums of money that they have borrowed from richer countries. The interest they have to pay on these debts limits their ability to invest in economic development. In addition, the limited resources in these countries are often spread unevenly among the population. There is a wide gap between the many people who are poor and the few who are wealthy. Even if the economy improves, the gains may not lead to an improved standard of living for the poor. Problems with economic inequality can also occur in developed countries.

Developed countries have tried to deal with poverty by increasing the participation of the poor in the economy. For example, governments may encourage new industry and offer programs to improve the job skills of poor people. Most developed countries also have programs that try to limit the ill effects of economic downturns. They may provide payments to those who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. The goal of unemployment insurance is to prevent the recipients from falling into poverty before they can find work. Other welfare programs assist needy people who are not covered by unemployment insurance or other benefits. Such programs may help the poor buy food, find housing, or obtain health care.

It is a moral disgrace, a costly injustice and a profound economic threat that nearly 1 in 5 children are poor in our boastfully wealthy nation.

More than two out of three poor children are children of color. Permitting millions of children to live in poverty — many denied basic human needs of housing, enough food and a chance to get ready for school and attend schools with equal funding and quality — is unjust.

Poverty is perhaps the single most important reason children are put to work: their families need the extra income. In many cultures it is believed that children should learn and participate in the trade of their parents, even if that trade is strenuous or hazardous. Schooling, as an alternative to work, is simply not available in some areas.

George was born on Sept . 2, 1839, in Philadelphia. He had leave school at 13 and work ed at many jobs while educating himself by reading.1871 he published a pamphlet, Our Earth and Land Policy, which anticipated his later work. He moved to New York City in 1880. Other written pieces included The Irish Land Question (1881), Sociable Problems (1883), and The Science of Political Economy (1897). He died in New York City on Oct. 29, 1897.

A land of extremes and contrasts, Asia is the largest and the most populous continent on Earth. It has the highest mountains and most of the longest rivers, highest plateaus, and largest deserts and plains of all the continents. It has some of the poorest as well as some of the richest countries in the world. It contains a major share of the world’s largest cities as well as very large populations of rural dwellers. During much of Asia’s history, outsiders, principally Europeans, tried to exploit and control it and its people. In the 20th century, however, Asia was a scene of great change. Many of the underdeveloped countries of the region took various approaches to modernizing their economies and societies, some under communism.

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Poverty is perhaps the unity most important reason small fry ren are put to employment : their families need to have more income. Local tradition may also encourage nipper parturiency . the places there is a tradition of bonded labor (also called debt bondage), in which a poor mob receives an advance payment from an employer and then hands over a child to body of work off the debt.discrimination can turn a bunch if girls or or minor groups are put to work because they are considered less worthy of Education Department than male child or members of the dominant group. Employers often actively recruit children because they can be wage lower pay than grownup and are easier to control.

Poverty decreases a child’s chances of graduating from high school and increases her chances of becoming a poor adult. Beyond human costs, child poverty has huge economic costs for all of us. Our nation loses about $700 billion a year from lost productivity and increased health and crime costs stemming from child poverty.

The pastor forcefully called for the CFPB to implement its «common-sense rule» and for enacting legislation, like a bill introduced by Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin, that would establish a national 36% interest rate cap while allowing states to have lower rate ceilings.

«And research has shown time and time again, that these high-cost lending storefronts are disproportionately situated in Black and Latino communities, even when they have the same or higher incomes than white communities».

The pastor forcefully called for the CFPB to implement its «common-sense rule» and for enacting legislation, like a bill introduced by Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin, that would establish a national 36% interest rate cap while allowing states to have lower rate ceilings.

Fund published the first of our groundbreaking Ending Child Poverty Now reports that showed, for the the first time, how America could immediately lift millions of more children out of poverty by simply improving and investing in existing policies and programs that work. Four years later it is unconscionable that our leaders are still debating and millions of our poor children are still waiting to have their basic survival needs to be met. Millions of children needlessly suffer in poverty because of our nation’s inaction.

The American Civil Liberties Union recently examined 1,000 debt cases across 26 states where judges had issued arrest warrants, some for debts as small as $28. People were arrested while recovering from heart surgery or suffering from cancer. And those are just a fraction of such cases across the country.

Another way the government criminalizes being poor is when local prosecutors allow private debt collectors to threaten people with jail for a debt involving a bounced check.

Many people think that all debtors are deadbeats, and some are. But many fall into debt after getting a divorce, losing a job, or becoming seriously ill without medical insurance.

Debt collectors file tens of thousands of collection lawsuits each year. Once in court, the system is stacked against debtors, who rarely have lawyers and sometimes fail to get notice of the lawsuit.

Debts are legal obligations. But judges work for the public and shouldn't allow themselves to be used by private companies to collect debts. Jailing debtors not only violates the spirit of the law, it also makes no sense. People in jail may lose their job and can't find a new one. None of which helps to pay debts.

More than 200 local prosecutors across the country have also partnered with private companies, essentially, 'renting out' their powers to collect on bounced checks. The companies' letters - on official district attorney letterheads -- look as if they came from the county prosecutor and frighten debtors.

They demand payments, often tacking on exorbitant fees, and threaten prosecution if the check writers don't pay up. In many cases, the prosecutor's office gets a cut of the profits.

Intentionally writing a bad check can be a crime, but the emphasis is on intentional. Checks for small amounts seldom spur prosecution. The authority to decide which merit prosecution belongs to elected prosecutors and shouldn't be farmed out for profit to debt collectors

There is a need for nations to work together to redress income inequality in order to eradicate poverty and ensure that each person has access to adequate and quality food.

The minister said World Food Day reminds people around the world of their collective and individual responsibility to address the plight of food insecurity, which affects many people who are unable to benefit from the immense resources the world has to offer.

The bank, in another report, stated that 'Sub-Saharan Africa's opportunities are vast, and its challenges persistent. It, however, pointed that the continent, which is home to the world's largest free trade area and a 1.2 billion-person market, is poised to create an entirely new development path by harnessing the potential of its resources and people.

Four of the fastest growing economies in the world in 2019 are in Africa: Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Rwanda.

The slower-than-expected overall growth in 2018 reflected ongoing global uncertainty, increasingly from domestic macroeconomic instability including poorly managed debt, inflation, and deficits; political and regulatory uncertainty; and fragility.

In South Africa, low investment sentiment is weighing on economic activity.

Excluding Nigeria, South Africa, and Angola, growth in the rest of the sub-continent is expected to remain robust, although slower in some countries.

The average growth among non-resource-intensive countries is projected to edge down, reflecting the effects of tropical cyclones in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, political uncertainty in Sudan, weaker agricultural exports in Kenya, and fiscal consolidation in Senegal.

Our Captain Prime Minister Imran Khan has started the biggest poverty alleviation program in the history of Pakistan and we are bringing constitutional amendments soon under which giving people Roti, Kapra, Makan, education, and healthcare would be the constitutional responsibility of the government and citizens could move courts if the government failed to discharge this responsibility. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan always thinks for the poor people and for the nation. He said in the leadership of Imran Khan Pakistan is on the path of progress and prosperity.

Updated: Apr 18, 2022
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Absolute Poverty. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/absolute-poverty-essay

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