Persuasive Speech Strategy Report: Becoming a Summer Camp Counselor in College

Categories: Persuasive Speech

For my persuasive speech, my specific purpose will be to persuade my audience why they should be a camp counselor for a summer while in college. I will be using a policy claim for this speech. I want to change my audience's behavior so that they will be motivated to become a camp counselor while in college. I feel that the purpose of my speech has ethical qualities because my audience will need to get a job after graduating from college, and being a camp counselor will help boost their resume and make it easier for them to find a career while simultaneously changing their life.

I am credible to speak about being a camp counselor because I have personal experience as a day camp counselor, and I am returning to camp for the 11th year as a full-time overnight counselor. I have also experienced the impact of my past counselors, and have talked to many of them about how they found it easier to find jobs because employers were impressed with their experience.

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In my speech introduction, I will say: "Over the past 11 years, I have been a camper, a day camp counselor, and this upcoming summer I will be a full-time overnight counselor. I have personally observed and experienced the impacts of being a camp counselor, as well have deepened my knowledge by doing thorough research on this topic.”

Everyone in my audience besides my instructor is a college student and is therefore going to school to find their career and get a degree.

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Becoming a camp counselor is relevant because this summer job can boost your resume and make it easier to find a job. I am aware of this information because I am in a college class with othetheyr collegians. My audience should care about this topic because becoming a camp counselor will change their life and because everyone needs a job. By listening to my speech, they will gain information on why they should become a counselor, thus giving them a way to take action in their own life. In my introduction I will be saying: "Since we are all in college to hopefully find the best job after graduation, I want to say that becoming a camp counselor is so much more than just a summer job; it is a way to boost your resume, giving employers a better reason to hire you, while also simultaneously changing your life and the people around you."

I will be using a few different strategies to accomplish persuasion of my audience and deal with potential obstacles. I will show how they can personally benefit by working at camp t rough allowing them to visualize what it is like to work at a summer camp and how it will affect their liveworkers together in positive ways. Furthermore, I will show how many personal values are utilized at camp such as happiness, service, freedom, and being a role model which are values that many people find to be important. I will also touch upon the argument of having an internship over the summer versus working at a camp and will acknowledge that internships are beneficial but not as valuable as working as a counselor.

The preview of my 3 main points as it will appear in my outline is: “Today I will be persuading you to become a camp counselor by telling you how being a counselor can change your life, the lives of the next generation, and give you a huge boost on your resume. I will be using the categorical pattern to organize my speech because each one of my points supports a different reason why someone should become a camp counselor.


  • Bender, J. (2014). Camp Belongs on Your Resume. Camping Magazine, 87(3), 28.

This source is from an article that appeared in Camping Magazine, which is the official magazine of the American Camp Association, which is a 100-year-old year my in , a respected organization that accredits camps across the United States. Jenn Bender is the author of this article, and she has her MBA and serves on the American Camp Association's Executive Board. Lastly, this article was published in 2014, so it is less than 2 year old. This source has objectivity, timeliness, expertise, and observational capacity because the author has direct experience working in the field. This source will be used to show how working as a camp counselor will boost your resume.

  • Marcus, S. (2010, May). Camp Magic: Exploring the Impacts of Working at Camp on Identity
  • Development (Master's thesis, Clemson Univesity, 2010). Tiger Prints.

This source is a Dissertation published in 2010 by Stacey Marcus. The thesis was written fulfillment of Masters of Science; Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management. It was published in Clemson University's Tiger Prints, which is a collection of Dissertations. It has timeliness because it is only 6 years old, and the author has the expertise by successfully obtaining her Masters in Parks and Recreation. This source will be used to show how working at camp will change your life.

  • Roark, M., Ellis, G., Wells, M. S., & Gillard, A. (2010). Measuring Relationships between Camp
  • Staff and Camper Developmental Outcomes: An Application of Self-Determination Theory. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 28(3).

This journal article was published in 2010 in the Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, which is directly related to the dynamics of summer camp. Several authors worked on this article, but the main author was Mark Roark, who has a master's in Leisure Studies and is highly respected and published in the Parks and Recreation world. This article is 6 years, and all of the authors have Master's Degrees in the field of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism. They have allworkersrall workerstogether hands-on with the development of the camp-camp staff relationships. This source will be used to show how working at camp will make an impact on the next generation.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Persuasive Speech Strategy Report: Becoming a Summer Camp Counselor in College. (2022, Aug 23). Retrieved from

Persuasive Speech Strategy Report: Becoming a Summer Camp Counselor in College essay
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