Writing Is a Skill That Develops with Time, a Literacy Narrative

Categories: LiteracyPsychology

Everyone has their own writing style and because of the multiple writing styles, there are can get overwhelming. A single word or sentence can cause readers to be interested or not in your writing. When losing that reader's interest represents what was written did not meet the audience's needs. Nevertheless, the writer must have confidence with their writing and realize everyone has a preference when writing and reading a person's writing. Every writer wants to satisfy the reader as it will reflect if they met the audience's expectations.

However, there is no such thing as a perfect writer. A writer needs to accept that there is nothing wrong with their writing style and writing is a skill that will improve with time.

Deciding how to write something down is difficult because there are multiple ways to write a single thought or phrase. When seeing other people's writing, I can see that they have a preference of writing that differentiates from mine.

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Take the sentence, She stood on her balcony and looked at the night sky. Another way I see this could get written is, Standing out on the balcony, she looked out at the night sky. Both can be written straight forward or in detail. Readers have their preferences of how they want a scene or phrase explained to them.

What might be satisfying to me may not be to that reader. As a writer, it is difficult deciding how to structure my sentences and word choices so it does not appear to be too wordy or repetitive.

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I do not want to use words that might complicated or being too descriptive when I should just get to the point. In my writings I tend to get descriptive so readers can connect with the text and visualize what is going on. But, not everyone favors that type of writing. I try not to overdo it because that will lead readers to read something else. Keeping the reader's attention when they read my writings is how I know that my writing has matched their expectations.

My writing reflects that I am a perfectionist and how much I want to satisfy my audience. Though there is no such thing as the perfect writer. Writing is a skill and only grows in time if the person lets it grow. It was never easy for me to see that. I tried copying people's writing styles and it showed I was desperate to match those who were better writers than myself. I ended up losing my identity as a writer. Everything I wrote was not my true style of writing and seemed like a stranger's writing. I felt lost as a writer copying other people's writing styles and realized I should write how I want and not copy others. I wrote sentences and words that made sense to me and was not complicated or overdone. I quit being that overachiever in writing and let my skills in writing improve as time passes. Writing can only improve if you let it and not take any shortcuts. Everyone's writing identity is what separates them from other writers.

When given a prompt there are multiple ways a writer can correspond to it, but how they respond will either impact the readers or not. I was given a prompt in my junior English class asking how a person could achieve happiness. I saw there was no true way for a person to achieve happiness. It depended how life ran for the person and if they wanted to achieve that happiness. My essay was focused on that idea, but I did not know how to write it without being repetitive. I felt rushed being given an hour to write and turning it in for a grade.

In my mind, I just wanted a good grade on the essay because of the time limit and I could not express everything I wanted in an hour. I tried figuring out how to structure my sentences and word choices so I didn't appear repetitive. In the end, I ended up writing what could please the teacher and not how I actually felt with the topic. What I wanted to get across ended up getting lost. Meanwhile, my friend had their essay thought out fully and their thoughts ran deeper than what I wrote in my essay. For them, they wrote how a person has to go through hardships and failures to understand what happiness can mean or a person can't understand happiness once losing everything. A person has to appreciate what they have because it can get taken away.

They wrote too how a person can be happy with the belongings they have and do not need anything else in life. Seeing how thorough they wrote their essay made me feel that my writing could never match theirs and that they viewed various topics were a higher level than mine. Even the word choices, sentence structures, and the examples she used were much better than the ones I used in my essay and easily could make readers connect and relate to what they had written. It was easy to tell they had put more effort in their essay than mine.

As a writer my main goal is to get my message across with what I write. My writing is more than putting words on a piece of paper. I want my writing to impact others. When reading a person's story or works there are the chances that readers are able to connect and relate the experiences written down and that they aren't the only one going through what they may be going through. I know that I'm not a perfect writer. No one is a perfect writing and that my skills in writing will grow the more I write. Writing is a skill everyone possesses and it develops for everyone at different rates and paces.

Updated: Feb 22, 2023
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Writing Is a Skill That Develops with Time, a Literacy Narrative. (2023, Feb 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/writing-is-a-skill-that-develops-with-time-a-literacy-narrative-essay

Writing Is a Skill That Develops with Time, a Literacy Narrative essay
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