What is Online Learning?


Online learning is a self-explanatory term that describe the learning takes place online. Which means, a teacher or instructor creates learning content and share it with a group of students that can access it using a device connected to the Internet. Exams are also applied online using an online exam software. Content can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Time and space don’t matter too much in online learning. Students don’t need to be in the same physical place to take the same instruction.

The main difference between traditional and online learning is that, while traditional learning requires a person to be at a certain place at a specific time and date, online learning doesn’t.

You spend less money and time and still get great results. It’s not a wonder why millions of student from all around the world had interest in online degree programs or take at least one college course through an online platform. Online learning is considered to be the greatest revolution of our century.

It made an amazing transformation in the educational system and opened great opportunities for everyone who wants to learn something new.

Applying online learning instead of traditional learning is more valid for several reasons.

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Firstly that online learning is flexible and convenience, it can be done from your office or home at your own place. Secondly the unlimited access to your courses, in which the material will be easy to access and resources will be opened internationally. Also online learning, in case of crisis is a saver.

Rather than missing important class sessions, students in online courses can always attend by participating in discussion boards or chat sessions, turning in their work on time.
“Online learning is the future of education, and we should embrace it”.

Flexibility and convenience of online learning give students the opportunity to plan study time around the rest of their day, instead of the other way around.

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Students can study and work at their convenience. Course material is always accessible online, making special library trips is unnecessary. All of these benefits help students balance work and family commitments and responsibilities with their education which can be a real challenge. On the other hand going back to school with an online career training program gives students the flexibility to study on the schedule that fits their lives. Online programs hold the biggest appeal for non-traditional students, those who are going back to school after years away. They’re typically older and they have work and/or family responsibilities that keep them busy and limit their opportunities to attend class. Therefore, flexibility itself has an enormous impact on the way that students are learning so its alluring nature has complete validity. Providing an individual with the option of how they learn is integral to their success. Flexibility is a huge requirement for them, which is why online learning fits the majority of people so well.

The word “MOOCs” which stands for Massive Open Online Courses, are free online courses available to any individual who would like to enroll, it offers a wide range of courses in many different subjects for individuals to be able to develop their knowledge and education in an affordable and easy manner. 8% of companies currently use MOOCs, but that number is expected to almost double in the next year. These types of free and easily accessible courses promote learning and mean more resources for your business for less money. (Source: Doyen Marketing.)
This unlimited access to the courses, where the material will be easy to access and resources will be opened internationally. For example Treehouse is creating the “classroom from the future” with this superb eLearning platform. With gorgeous visuals and remarkably clear sound, Treehouse can help users learn new skills in coding and app development. Treehouse has raised the bar in online learning with high quality, studio produced video lessons hosted by talented in-house trainers. Expanded access to online learning can be accessed anywhere at any time. Ability to modify course materials can be narrowed down to topics that are relevant to course. Enhancement of course material such as texts, images and videos can be used to support different learning styles. In addition to the rapid dissemination of information, textbooks can be put forward quicker online than publishing a textbook.

During storms, thunderstorms and in case of crisis like what’s happening nowadays with the spreading of COVID -19 (corona virus) around the world, online learning is a saver. Colleges may cancel classes to avoid putting commuting students at risk of dangerous driving conditions or the risk of crowding. Rather than miss important class sessions. Let’s take an example like India, whose online learning has grown faster than traditional educational institutions in the country. The country faces a major education crisis, with more than half of the country's population having received a limited education—namely, only up to 4th grade. Many times, people in the country don’t have the means to attend schools, either because of monetary aspects or geographical factors. E-Learning has made way for a large scale of development over the past few years, allowing people in even the remotest parts of the country to have access to schools and higher education, provided that they have a decent internet connection. The birth of the eLearning sector in India mainly happened due to the prevailing economic conditions. People are often forced to go to work in order to make ends meet, and that puts their education on a back seat. Through online learning, people can have access to whatever they want to learn about while being able to work to support themselves and their families. Students in online courses can always attend by participating in discussion boards or chat sessions, turning in their work on time, and watching lectures or reading materials. Many students also find substantial savings on fuel costs with no commute for classes. Our country United Arab Emeriti get advantage of the online learning system to save students during the corona crisis and commit to the health isolation.

I believe online learning is the future of the education and the reason why this industry has become so popular over the last few years is the convenience it offers to those who are interested in it. Traditionally, if a person wanted to learn something or get a degree, they would have to go to a university, a college, or any institution that can teach you giving you a certification at the end. With online learning, on the other hand, people don’t have to wake up every morning just to attend a few lectures. People are now able to learn from the comfort of their own homes, and according to their preferred timings. Thought I know that there are numerous important drawbacks to E-Learning which often tend to get downplayed in online discussions. These disadvantages of E-Learning could be addressed as that online student feedback is limited, eLearning can cause social Isolation, and it requires strong self-motivation and time management skills, and Lack of communicational skill development in online students. Above all, cheating prevention during online assessments is complicated.

But researchers have demonstrated successful examples of peer feedback systems in online learning, which could be a potential solution to the problem of limited student feedback in e-learning. Additionally, this disadvantage of E-Learning is sometimes solved through video chats with professors, which function similarly to the professor’s office hours during on-campus training.

IBM saved $200 million by adopting a virtual training program for its employees. ELearning is important for universities, but it can be even more of a money saver for large and small businesses. ELearning produces an 18% increase in employee engagement in the workplace. This leads to greater employee retention, a better work culture, and more collaborative employees. While North America holds 53% of the total shares in eLearning worldwide. The United States is a big player in the eLearning market and exemplifies what the future of eLearning could look like. And 70% of professionals use their personal device(s) for business, and that number is expected to increase by 2018. A new age of BYOD (bring your own device) is upon us where professional eLearning can be completed outside the office. Whatever the case, even the most old school of print material has become, in many ways, a jumping off point for further web-based research.


  • https://elearningindustry.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-online-learning
  • https://www.educationnext.org/online-learning-begins-to-explode-into-the-mainstream-in-blended-schools/
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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What is Online Learning?. (2020, Sep 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-is-online-learning-essay

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