Weaknesses of articles of confederation

Categories: Taxation

The greatest weakness of the federal government was the inability for the regulation of trade and levy taxes under the Articles of Confederation. Provision of needed money to the government was refused by the states at times. In this regard, paralysis of interstate commerce was the result of the engagement of one another in the tariff wars. During the revolution, the debts were not able to pay off by the government.

The soldiers who fought in the war, as well as, the citizens by whom the supplies were provided for the cause were also not paid by the government.

The required appropriate measures were not passed by the Congress, because the majority of the required was lack by them. After the Revolutionary War’s victory, it was obvious that the provision law that was to be provided and sought was not equal with the original attempt by the Congress. Execution of the Constitutional duties of the Congress became impossible by four main visible weaknesses of the articles that were apart from the organizational ones.

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Political essays analyzed these weaknesses, in which, the case for the U. S.was argued by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton CONSTITUTION of 1787.

Legislation powers for only states and not for individuals was the first weakness of the Congress. In the result, legislation could not be enforced by the Congress. Secondly, no tax power was within the Congress. Instead, the states had to provide with the assessment and division of the expenses with relation to the value of land.

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Money was then required to rise for these expenses by the tax from the citizens of the states, and Congress has to provide with the proceeds.

Under the Articles the central government was awarded with a lot of the same responsibilities as the government had under the Constitution, but since it was short of rights and power to collect taxes, it could not perform its responsibilities efficiently. For instance, in its endeavor to provide for the common defense, the central government did not have adequate resources to provide that defense by means of the authority of taxation and the raising of an army.

Thirdly, the power of controlling the commerce was lack by the Congress, and therefore, conduction of foreign relations was not properly done by the Congress, which was one of the main concerns for the trade. Fourthly, the demise of the Confederation was ensured by this weakness, and due to which, the first three weaknesses could not be corrected. Many of the weaknesses could have been corrected by the amendments, but approval was required by the amendments from all the state legislatures.

Various meetings were hold at the Annapolis Convention by Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey from September 11, 1786 to September 14, 1786. The original purpose of the meeting, as well as, the discussion regarding the regulation of interstate commerce was carried and represented by very few states. However, specifically, the weakness of the Articles of Confederation was a larger topic at question. Sending of delegates to the Philadelphia by the states was successfully proposed by Alexander Hamilton for the rendering of the Federal government’s constitution.

As a result, May 1787 witnessed the holding of the Constitutional Convention. Solution for Issues of Articles of Confederation Either revision of the Articles of Confederation or the replacement with a new government was the solution for the issues regarding the Articles of Confederation. A larger role of the federal government would have been proposed by the revision of the Articles of Confederation, but the Constitutional changes would have not been made by it radically. By making the Federal Government’s judgment surpass the States’ judgment, the States would lose their liberty of individual rule.

At the moment, the Federal government can easily make use of its ability to tax directly, to hold back funding from individual States, to force them into agreeing verdict made by Federal Government. Differences between Articles and Constitution The apportionment of power between the central government and the states is the basic difference that was felt between the 1787 Constitution and the Articles of Confederation. In the first place, the states were provided with the balance of power, and in the second, the central government was bestowed with these powers.

A federal organization was the bases of the first constitution, and a national government was the essence of the second constitution. A reaction to another reaction resulted in the creation of the Constitution. The errors of negligence in the Articles of Confederation were attempted to be corrected by the creation of the Constitution. A new form of government for the United States of America was convened by the Continental Congress of 1787, as shown by the abolition of the Articles of Confederation. The greatest fault of the existing Confederacy was the inactivity.

Overmuch governing by the Congress was never been a complaint. However, too little governing by the Congress was the complaint. Nobody found perfection in the Constitution. In addition, sloppiness was found by the Federalists, and stringency was observed by the Anti-Federalists. Rather, a compromise was made by both the parties, which was not equal in any sense. Powers for the formation of a functional system of government was surpassed by the Federal Government. Nobody found perfection in the Constitution.

In addition, sloppiness was found by the Federalists, and stringency was observed by the Anti-Federalists. Rather, a compromise was made by both the parties, which was not equal in any sense. Powers for the formation of a functional system of government was surpassed by the Federal Government. Yet designation of an outward observation was expected by the confirmation of thorough study. In this regard, coping of their problems with five states that are, New Jersey, Maryland, Georgia, Delaware, and the Connecticut was unfitted hopelessly. Little antagonism and quick ratification were counted by these states.

Only four out of the five opponents had to win by the people in the favor of the ratification from the remaining eight states. More than enough states for the ratification of the Constitution were taken successfully by the talent of the Federalists. The economic backgrounds of the individual states were the bases for this success. However, the cause to a problem was not an only factor. While the Revolutionary War had weakened the states economically, a pure monetary motivation was not observed concerning their willingness for killing someone for the independence.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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