The Title Of TED Talk: Why Do People Hate Getting Out Of Our Comfort Zone

Categories: Procrastination

In 'Title of TED Talk,' TED speech is a very effective way because he said, “why do people hate getting out of our comfort zone”.He explains we have to conquer fear.“The fears of looking bad the fear of the unknown and the fear of messing up”.That is why most of us prefer to stay in our comfort zone.Ted talk said we can conquer fear and get out of our comfort zone.In order to beat fear, we have to learn the skills of fear.

First, we have to understand fear, he said that everybody has a” lizard brain or Amygdala brain”.its they’re to protect us and help us from getting hurt.It’s there to increase fear and help us from danger.

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For example, we can look down over the cliff.If the cliff was so deep we will be scare and our lizard brain will detect the danger and react from there.We can walk Our brains can control fear and stop us from danger.

“Their four Triggers fears”. Uncertainty attention changes and struggles when these elements are present and fear is present too. For example, when we apply for a job , we don’t know if we get a job , and that is the uncertainty of not getting a job fear creat our behavior on how we act and react. Because fear a have stolen our experience and opportunity to develop ourselves. The good news is anybody can learn to embrace fear.

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That's a skill any of us can learn to develop to beat fear. We can t beat the fear all we can is to embrace the fear. Ted works with professional baseball and college sports teams, fortune 500 companies, reentry programs, and hundreds of schools across the country and students, and even inside the prison before. Ted teaches this, and he asks powerful questions when have fear steals us of an opportunity to grow. the response almost everybody has a response, which means no matter who we are, what we do this happens fear stealing us of experiences. We talk about what we could do and should do its even easier to talk about what other people could do and should do. Easy to say on the paper. Fear is such a powerful force. Ted shows us a couple of examples of fear. You can't make it on the show if you don't sing the song. like you can't get the job if you don't apply. Next ted asks the question was how do you get rid of fear.and how you kill the lizard brain. His Mentor is exactly the wrong question. That if you're seeking to destroy defeat conquer the lizard brain, you will fail. His Mentor said the brain is nothing but chemistry experiment its electricity and chemical, and when you push back on the brain, it will freak out it will inflame. You can not win, but what you can do is to dance with the lizard brain, and we should listen to it doing the opposite of what it wants us to do if we use this concept of dancing with fear. wants us to stay in our comfort zone if we ever do get out of our comfort zone. and our comfort zone will freak out a signal that we're in a learning experience if we know how it works. Now we know how the fear work and where it comes. Fear involves Uncertainty, attention and struggles, and change. were going to feel fear, and the only way to feel fear is not to do it, not care or holdback, and that's not what we want. Fear creates shame around fear and can make it worse. People fear before or performance or talk to anything that stretches us and challenge us.It doesn't mean something wrong, it doesn't mean we're not ready it means we're human that's the human response with our old school approach to fear we look at it is a very negative thing we assume the presence of fear means I can't or shouldn't do. We realize it a natural it's human, and with that knowledge you see were more likely to put ourselves in those situations were more likely to do the thing which helps us learn to grow and get better. Learning has helped us learn how to grow and get better over time. This a skill which means its something that can build up. I think fear is something that grows in us and we can't win fear, because it's there to help us to survive.we have to accept fear and work hard and practice and doing more reps to overcome fear.

The good news is anybody can learn to beat fear. That's a skill any of us can learn how to develop to beat fear. Because fear a have stolen our experience and opportunity to grow, to become a great learner, you have to understand the fear. We realize it a natural it's human, and with that knowledge, you see more likely to put ourselves. You can not win, but what you can do is to dance with the lizard brain, and we should listen to it doing the opposite. Fear is a compelling force that can ruin your career, and if you let it happen, it can damage your ability to learn. We can beat fear by overcoming our procrastination and spent a little more time outside of our comfort zone.Battle the ideas is to be aware of our process and choices and work.You have to become a great learner to beat fear.When we feel fear, we don't ask.Procrastination comes from our lizard brain. We have the choice to struggle or don't struggle, and we always choose the easy way.The four triggers of fear are uncertainty attention challenge and struggle, comes fear, and we don't ask questions.When these four are present, fear will also be present.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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The Title Of TED Talk: Why Do People Hate Getting Out Of Our Comfort Zone. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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