The Scene Analysis In The Movie Bonnie And Clyde

Categories: Movie Review

In the 1960’s when Bonnie and Clyde first came out it was one of the first movies that included violence and ideas of being against society. During that time there was also a big change on using new filming techniques such as using hand held cameras and also using a new set of camera palettes. Bonnie and Clyde was also filmed in natural settings which allowed the film to also look more realistic than other movies at its time. This movie has many themes but I feel that the movie puts a lot of emphasis on justice.

The cinematographer Burnett Guffey did a great job in matching the film to the hard times that the United States was facing and through its images demonstrating a realism effect in the film.

Many scenes in the film show us how the movie puts a lot of emphasis on justice. When the movie begins Bonnie is locked up in her room. She looks very frustrated because the camera provides the viewer with a close up shot.

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The close up shot really allows us to see the frustration in her face while she hits her bed aggressively. During that same opening scene it kinda looks like there is bars in her face. Bonnie looked trapped and frustrated with her life. Perhaps it has to do with justice. Bonnie and Clyde both are two people that desire a better life. The fact that Bonnie is naked in her room can also symbolize multiple things. To start off it can symbolize unrestricted freedom.

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Throughout the film you can see her living a life of freedom because Bonnie and Clyde both go around robbing banks and doing what they desire.

In the last and final scene we see how birds begin to fly away. Birds can symbolize peace, freedom, and power. In the film I think the birds could have maybe represented peace because Bonnie and Clyde were on the run for a while because of their crimes. They were going around robbing, killing, and doing all sorts of crimes. The birds could have symbolized peace because they were finally going to die. Throughout the film they were searching for their freedom. They wanted to escape their old regular lives and find a better life instead of just working as a server. In the end when the birds fly away the law enforcement appears and murders Bonnie and Clyde. They were murdered by law enforcement which maybe proves a point because no one is more powerful than the law.

In this last scene something that I really noticed was how there was sudden cutting between facial expressions. They both go from joy, to confusion, to horror, to being resigned to their fates and happily dying together. Their last moment of life happened when Clyde rolls over in slow motion and then Bonnie arm dangles unnatural. When the shooting occurred their was a lot of change of camera angles. It was almost as if the camera was changing to the sound of the bullets. Once Bonnie and Clyde died everything suddenly between quiet and that is when Clyde rolled over in slow motion. The last shot also shows Bonnie and Clyde body fall in a bright sunny green setting. The shot looks peaceful even tho it was tragic incident. People can perceive this scene as one that glorifies crime. The film really stresses how the movies motif was due to fame and notoriety.

During the movie filters are not used too much but in one moment I recall a filter being using when Bonnie meets up with her mom. The filter was used so it can feel like a dream and also feel like a fantasy if Bonnie could have made different choices. It also foreshadows the future of Bonnie and the whole gang. Long shots are used during this scene and there was also a slow paced nature. Bonnie and Clyde decide to drive down a road that is risky. It symbolizes that there will be no happy ending.

Something that also occurs a lot throughout the film is that the author tries to give a lot of hints and messages of a variety of different situations. For example When Bonnie and Clyde decide to rob a bank that shows us how the Country was not going through a good time. It shows us how the country was going through a hard time in real life. If I was to watch the movie back during those times I know Thant I would have been able to relate to that situation in the film because even now I see the movie and it reminds me of what I learned back in time. Another foreshadow is when the young boys are rolling down a hill. This represents how Bonnie and Clyde continue to go down this bad road full of chaos and crime. On other shot that really caught my attention was when Clyde was building a sand castle. This is significant because one of the kids hits Clyde with a branch that then ends up destroying the sand castle. This is foreshadowing that the end to Clyde was coming soon and justice was going to be made. There was no doubt in the film that the road these characters were going down was bad to society but what I found very interesting was how Clyde was building this Castle. A king and queen is who lives in a castle and they are the ones that that usually have the most power. In the end the law ends up defeating them and they are defeated by the government.

Mise en scene is important in this movie because it really shows us the time the movie took place. During the movie blood is used in a uncommon way in Hollywood. Realism is something really emphasized in this film and the way that blood was used was the beginning of a new era in Hollywood. I also noticed how in the beginning Bonnie wasn’t dressed too sharp but as the crimes went on her style became very sharp. She started dressing better and she seemed very confident in herself. The way that color was used was also very significant because it was sued to foreshadow different type of scenes. In the last scene where Bonnie meets her mother it felt like a funeral tone and it really foreshadowed the death.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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