Adventure Water Park's Market Segmentation Strategy

Categories: Water Park


The Adventure Water Park based in Geelong has been in operation for several years. However, instead of recording a swelling customer base the number of clients has constantly been declining. The move by the Parks management to change the situation can only be effective if a lot of their efforts are directed towards promoting effective marketing. As a result, the paper will address the various ways which it can promote market segmentation by incorporating behavioral, demographic, geographic, and psychographic information.

In addition, the business report will ensure that market segmentation meets the requirements of action ability, measurability, accessibility, and substantiality for the change to have the intended long-term impact. Marketing research is first conducted to understand the needs of the market and what is ailing the business despite the long duration the park has stayed in business (Van 61).

In this way, it will become much easier to conducted market segmentation on the basis of various aspects that consumers find preferable.

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To begin with appreciating the demographics of the clients is an important part of improving the Park's service delivery. Demographics relates to the features of the customers. A primary research obtained from customer feedback showed that the customers were not happy with the failure of the Adventure Park's management to appreciate the different age groups that visited the facility. There was an incident where a group of teenagers kicked out a mother who was wearing a bikini. People come from diverse cultures and his incident can largely be blamed on the failure of the management to conduct proper market segmentation.

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Another incident that is responsible for putting customers at bay was when a three-year old got caught under an umbrella that was closed as he was running. These incidents may be dismissed as isolated cases but they create a very negative impression of the Park.

The current customers are an establishment's first source of marketing. When clients have a bad experience they will certainly spread the word around and this tarnishes the image of the Park such that potential new customers opt to other parks rather than have the same experience. Even worse, is that the clients who witness such negative events never come back and share the same negative experiences with their friends. It is therefore recommendable that the management segments their customers on the basis of their age groups. This scenario is measurable because the groups can be divided in categories of age below 12 years, teenagers of 13 to 19 years, young adults of 20 to 34 years, middle aged between 36 to 49 and the elderly of above 50 years (Hurd & Anderson par. 14). Given that the segmentation is done with respect to age groups then the numbers will be substantial. Moreover, the leisure services will be more accessible because the pricing will be done in reliance to such categories.

For instance, tickets for children are free, the elderly are charged $25 and other adults get to pay $39 and there is no hindrance to accessibility because the charges do not change. Furthermore, the initiative is actionable because different things will be incorporated for different age groups. For the children's segment lifeguard assistance can be put at their disposal and even an assistant can be hired to help them because they may not be very conversant with swimming thus enhancing the efficiency of the Park's operations. This move will in itself attract customers and create a marketing appeal even for population who did not initially know about the Adventure Water Park. Geographical segmentation is another aspect that is vital for boosting Adventure Park's revenue. The geography of a consumer is often linked to their culture, perspectives, socio economic status, lifestyle, and incomes. Therefore, the attention a certain target market can easily be captured when the services provided meet the client's geographic expectations. For instance, the elderly customers who live in 'Blue Blood Estates' with ages between 45 and 64 are known to be people who are accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle given that they are established executives with a tenth being multi-millionaires (Hurd & Anderson par. 11). For this category of consumers marketing will have to be done differently in order to entice them.

Given that this target market is used to living large, the prices of the tickets issued to this group should be sold at a premium especially because they will enjoy extra benefits that befits that status of affluence. Adventure Park's marketing strategy should incorporate the fact that there are exciting water attractions, a mini golf, lots of seating and shelter, a first class train that will take these high-end clients around the park, personnel to offer massaging services of their choice, parking for over 2,000 cars and guest lounges. Therefore, if there are improvements that need to be made in order to avail any of the facilities that are not available then the same should be done. This kind of marketing is accessible for the this target market because it is their lifestyle, more like a culture and the Park's move to provide these facilities will make this group repeat customers and even attract more of the people in affluent geographic locations. It is measurable and substantial because the numbers of the population that can be attracted by understanding their geographic features is large.

Moreover, the marketing strategy is actionable because Adventure Park has most of the facilities that appeal to this geographic market and only small adjustments need to be made. This means that attracting clients of a lower cadre would mean the use of discounts as the main initiative during marketing. Basically, customer geography allows Adventure Park to practice price differentiation as a means of tuning around the Park. Psychographics is another area of segmentation that describes the personality and lifestyle of clients (Hurd & Anderson par. 16). Whilst some of the clients come to Adventure park with the goal of relaxing and enjoy a luxurious moment, others come for health and fitness reasons as well as to have fun. For instance, the children mostly come to have fun and attracting this population means displaying activities that are fun-filled. Similarly, teenagers and young adults are interested in remaining fit and this being their lifestyle descriptor then creating awareness that besides swimming there are other services like slides and championships like the Aqua racer will be enticing to this target market. The services will be accessible to the youngsters because it will require no additional costs. Moreover, there are substantial activities for the target market. The increase in the number of teenagers and young adults that visit the Park due to this awareness is measurable.

Furthermore, the initiative is actionable because there are a large number of activities that suit and match with the needs of the target group. Finally, consumer behavior is another aspect that influences their likelihood to become Adventure Park's clients. Consumers in various target markets have different behavioral features. The young population of the Park's target clientele is technology savvy. Therefore, marketing of the park's positive attributes using their online platform is likely to be a more effective method of creating awareness for this category. Use of the internet spacing is certainly effective because the feedbacks obtained from clients about their experiences are measurable and there is substantial content that can be relayed using social media, websites, and blogs. Moreover, the young targeted market can be able to access it with ease and the Park's management do not have to incur huge costs when using this advertisement methods. In fact, online marketing influences the customer's decision making positively because they not only analyze the services and facilities available in the park but also the reviews and feedback shared with the park's current clients. Studies show that the televisions, newspapers, and information centers are a more effective method for marketing to the senior citizens. Older people are in the habit of keeping in touch with information on bulletin boards, newspapers and television thus it is this media that is effective when the target customers are elderly people (Gillen et al. par. 5). These media are substantial and highly accessible to the elderly population. Therefore, even though advertising especially through television is expensive it is actionable because it will yield good results which can be measured by Adventure Park's management.


Understanding the needs, lifestyle, behavior, and demographics of a given population is vital because it will not only assist Adventure Park to attract customers but they will also be able to establish a loyal client base. In this way, the company will develop a strong brand and reputation which will market itself in the long-run and the company will not have to spend so much on advertising because its strategy is effective. In a nutshell, market segmentation which involves targeting a specific group is the most effective way.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Adventure Water Park's Market Segmentation Strategy. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from

Adventure Water Park's Market Segmentation Strategy essay
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