The Flowers, Loss of Innocence

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Have you ever thought about a time in your life where you took your maturity to the next step? There are certain events that led up to the moment in your life where innocence is changed and you become closer to an adult. In the short story “The Flowers” by Alice Walker, Myop’s character proves that everyone reaches a point of change in innocence. Whether it is by choice or in growth, all ways require obstacles and new things that one self hasn’t been exposed to before.

Myop’s curiosity leads her come across many surprising obstacles while on her adventure to find flowers.

Her curiosity results to searching further than she has before while seeking new things. While entering a new place that Myop has not discovered before she “gazed around the spot with interests”, opening herself to new things. Myop’s curiosity leads her to new adventures that she does not hesitate to attempt right away. While on her adventure she comes across several obstacles.

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While being far from home, “it seemed gloomy in the little cove in which she found herself.” The time change can compare to reality as you get further in life you start to experience new things that you haven’t seen before. As Myop travels more she also learn more while walking around she is careful about “keeping an eye out for snakes.”

As one self gets further in life they begin to look out for certain things. As Myop begins to come to an end on her journey she notices the “air was deep, silence close and deep.” Things become different as “the strangeness of the land made it not as pleasant as her usual haunts.” Myop notices a shift in the setting while she attempts to conclude her journey things aren’t as “silver ferns and wild flowers” as they were before.

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As Myop enters a changing point in her journey she begins to learn from it. There are certain times in life when people realize that things aren’t always good and some things don’t always go the way you want them too. This is just one of many steps leading to loss of innocence in one’s life.

While Myop is on her adventure she runs into things that she hasn’t been exposed to before. It seems as if she sees several things that are expected based on her previous journeys, but this one things change. As Myop curiously makes her own path through her surroundings she comes across different sides of nature. She first comes across “silver ferns and wild flowers” and later “along the shallow banks pigs rooted.” Myop enjoys coming in contact with “golden surprises” one of the reasons why she goes on the trip. Life can be filled with surprises, no matter how old you get things may affect your option on things. But between the time of childhood and adulthood is when the event occurs most.

Later when Myop begins to conclude her journey on her way back she ran into an even greater surprise then all the others. While walking through the grass “she stepped smack into his eyes.” “He had been a tall man…frayed, rotted, bleached, and frazzled-barely there-but spinning restlessly in the breeze.” The surprise wasn’t as effective as figuring out the story behind it. After picking a pink rose to add to her bundle she “noticed a raised mound, a ring, around the rose’s root.” That had changed her mind set into a way bigger picture. Myop realized that even the biggest surprises can lead to an even bigger turn out. Just when you think you’ve seen it all there may be another side that surprises you even more.

One significant part about the story “The Flowers” is that Myop does not only lose her innocence but does it by choice. As Myop “made her own path” her curiosity leads her to what the unexpected result. She already wants to find new things and is willing to take risks. Little does Myop know she may come in contact with a side of nature she doesn’t want to encounter. But the fact that she wants to try new things is the comparison to her loss of innocence by choice. Everyone has to reach a point of loss of innocence in their childhood, whether it is by growth or by choice. It is not any easy stage in childhood but is certain time that everyone must encounter.

Updated: Dec 23, 2020
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The Flowers, Loss of Innocence essay
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