The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession Paper

Categories: AccountingTechnology

When accessing the Virtual Organization link on the student website, students can gather information about Riordan Manufacturing, a company that will serve as the focus for various assignments. One of the key tasks is to select one of the accounting cycles within the organization, which will be the foundation for subsequent Learning Team projects. It is important to obtain approval from faculty for this selection before proceeding. The assignment requires a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that covers several key points:

  1. Identification of the five accounting cycles and an explanation of how Riordan Manufacturing utilizes the selected accounting cycle.

  2. An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal controls associated with the chosen cycle.
  3. An exploration of how this particular accounting cycle can be integrated into an enterprise-wide accounting information system.
  4. A differentiation between the different types of information systems required for successful integration.
  5. A demonstration of the flow of accounting information within the organization.

It is essential to adhere to APA guidelines when formatting the paper to ensure clarity and consistency in presentation.

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This assignment provides students with a comprehensive understanding of how accounting cycles function within a real-world organization and the importance of internal controls in maintaining financial accuracy and integrity.

Following the completion of the individual assignment on Accounting Information Systems Simulation, students are required to write a 350-word summary that addresses the following points:

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of having the same individual perform multiple activities within a specific process.
  2. The balance between cost-benefit analysis and the accuracy of records in decision-making.
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  3. The impact of prioritization on expected losses for Ramos International over the current year.

By discussing these aspects, students gain insights into the complexities of accounting processes and the considerations that must be taken into account when managing financial information within an organization.

For the Learning Team Assignment on Hardware and Software Selection, students are tasked with writing a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that delves into the hardware and software requirements necessary to automate the accounting process selected in the previous assignment. The paper should explore the information sharing needs between different cycles, including:

  1. Identifying the individuals who require access to the information.
  2. Establishing the necessary controls to safeguard data integrity.
  3. Outlining the types of reports that need to be generated.
  4. Defining the information that should be accessible through the corporate intranet or the Internet.

By addressing these points, students develop a comprehensive understanding of the technological infrastructure required to support efficient accounting processes and information flow within an organization.

Week 4 assignments include an Individual Assignment on Database Definition Exercise, where students complete the University of Phoenix Material: Database Definitions Exercise available on the student website. Additionally, students must respond to an assignment from the Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems text. The Learning Team Assignment focuses on the development of database tables that align with the selected accounting cycle, demonstrating relationships between tables using keys and fictitious data.

Week 5 begins with an Individual Assignment on Sarbanes-Oxley Act Article Analysis, where students are required to locate an article that examines the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and write a 700- to 1,050-word summary. The summary should cover:

  1. Explanation of how the Sarbanes-Oxley Act impacts internal control within the organization.
  2. Discussion on auditing around and through the computer, its relevance, and impact on the organization.

It is crucial to cite the article in the summary and adhere to APA guidelines for formatting. This assignment provides students with insights into regulatory compliance and the importance of internal controls in financial reporting.

Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession Paper essay
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