The Eddie Stobart business

Categories: Business

The Eddie Stobart business is unpinned by the company brand, people and systems. This is their strategy to keep the business running successful for the next 3 years. The purpose of this strategy is to increase the sea, rail and air sectors. Strategic Planning

Starting new partnerships with customers to further efficiencies. To take the opportunities, as the economy comes out of recession, building on our key competitive advantages, such as load utilisation and combining our customers. To market and develop our possessions to our customers and then sell these possessions where appropriate, at a profit to be reinvested in the business.

To develop systems and technologies that protects the business from operational and financial risk. To grow gradually with both existing and new customers.

To take waste out of the system; waste adds to cost and damages the environment. To increase business in the United Kingdom, Ireland and mainland Europe. To influence the high value in the Stobart brand.

Organisational Structure

Rodney Baker-Bates – Non Executive Chairman
Andrew Tinkler- Chief Executive Officer
William Stobart – Chief Operating Officer
Ben Whawell – Chief Financial Officer
David Irlam – Executive Director
Alan Kelsey – Non-executive Director & Senior Independent Director Michael Kayser – Non-Executive Director
Jesper Kjaedgaard – Non-Executive Director
David Beever – Non-Executive Director
Paul Orchard-Lisle, CBE – Non-Executive Director
David Pickering – Managing Director – Business Unit
Richard Butcher - Company Secretary

Transport And Distribution

Stobart Transport & Distribution Ltd is the Stobart Group's main division, accounting for 82% of the Stobart Group's income.

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It contains all the Group's transport, storage and handling services, meeting ambient and chilled distribution, and warehousing supplies across ten business units.

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It operates from 40 sites in the UK and Europe. Estates

Stobart Estates Holdings Ltd includes the Stobart Group's group of properties, including retail sites, light industrial buildings and distribution centers, office space and properties which are owned or used in the Group's day to day business. Infrastructure and Civil Engineering

Stobart Infrastructure and Civil Engineering joins the major engineering and redevelopment projects including road/rail freight distribution centers, ambient and chilled warehousing facilities, construction/refurbishment of rail stations, sidings and airport buildings. It includes Stobart Rail Infrastructure Engineering and Stobart Developments. Stobart Rail Infrastructure and Civils operate the Southend Airport railway station. Stobart Air

Stobart Airports Ltd covers Carlisle Lake District Airport and London Southend Airport.

Stobart Biomass

Stobart Biomass transports wood products for use in low-carbon emission power plants, producing electricity at both large and small scale power plants, and including for transfer. It was formed in March 2010 when the Stobart Group bought 50% of Alan Jenkinson Biomass Ltd, which was then retitled as Stobart Biomass Products Ltd. The remaining 50% was bought in May 2011. The business transports biomass products as well as timber and waste products which are used in the making of biomass energy.


The Eddie Stobart Group is dedicated to develop their employee’s ability to maintain its reputation in a competitive and growing industry. The Group aims to support their staff to learn and develop in the industry to ensure that they are fully trained to help the business improve. The company policy was put into place to make sure that the staff gets the support they need with the tasks and responsibilities. The main goal is to create culture and where people learn and take responsibility in partnership in the company to help them develop.


To make sure that every staff have a good understanding of Stobart Group strategy, vision and values and the role they have to take part in to achieve the goals. To make sure that all staff experiences the yearly cycle of appraisal. This is when they receive information on their feedback on their performance. Also, to set targets for the year ahead and are able to plan and agree learning and development goals. To prepare staff with the skills and knowledge required to perform successfully within their current roles and reply professionally to the demand placed by internal and external change and development. To promote the use of a full range of development opportunities, to make sure that the path chosen is the most suitable and relevant option for the individual and business needs.

To make sure that development is an essential part of our organisation and that a learning culture is created at every level. It will be available to everyone. It will also be flexible to suit different learning styles and working patterns and will meet the needs of both the individual and the business. To provide effective induction for all new staff.

To make sure that learning and development are a core element of performance management. To actively observe and assess the learning and development policy to make sure that it is always fit for purpose and reflects effective practice. To continue to observe and measure the success of the learning and development programmes to make sure they provide a suitable return on investment. The organisational structure helps to achieve aims by:

Helps the staff understand what role they take part in
Work is narrowed down into departments
Staff will know who to report back to
Managers and Directors will have a small portion of people to train and manage
Environmental/Community Responsibilities
Look after the planet
Minimise waste
Work with the community
Help people who help others
Build a positive building environment


To look after the local fundraising team to grow the national community fundraising strategy at the counties level to improve net income. Also, responsible for creating local fundraising as well as volunteer recruitment and communication plans which are included and matched with the society nationally branch structure. Organisational Structure

Head of Community and Events


Donate to the planned process to develop a cost effective local fundraising programme that matches and brings benefits to the society’s branches working with important staff in the area. Implement management systems, set the yearly funds and deliver to decided time-frames, targets and KPIs. Drive the local fundraising plan by managing the transfer of decided priorities containing national events, volunteer recruitment programmes, applications to trusts and grants, charity of the year partnerships, major donor programmes and legacy marketing combining with locally led fundraising programmes.

Develop and take care of the delivery of a national fundraising marketing and communications programme including digital, web and offline, working with the press team. Make sure all marketing activities exactly reflect the RSPCAs brand. To grow in combination with the local team, suitable support materials, training workshops and advice surgeries. Develop and achieve local volunteer recruitment drives. Keep understanding of good practice, market trends, competitor activity and controlling requirements, including all health and safety matters and publicise for that reason. Recognise, develop and suggest new fundraising opportunities for the future. Carry out any other duties as may be required by the line manager.


Prevent animals from being homeless or injured
Rescue them from bad living
Re-home the animals
Investigate the cruelty to animals
Get the animals seen to by vets
Prosecute the people that abuse the animals

The organisational structure helps to achieve aims by:
Help to persuade people to donate money
The work is narrowed down into departments
Everyone in the charity understands what they have to do
They get the community involved
Provide different activities to help fundraise
Staff will know who to report back to
People volunteer


Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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The Eddie Stobart business. (2016, Aug 06). Retrieved from

The Eddie Stobart business essay
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