The Beatles: Evolution of Music in Art Form

Categories: SongThe Beatles

The Beatles are performing at Shea stadium in this picture on 15 August 1965. This scene can be seen in their fifty minute documentary in which they are performing in front of 56000 people in Newyork. This show was just the best after Woodstock and Monetary. The perfect epitome of Beatles fire on stage can be manifested from this picture. They are just rocking on the stage and people are just feeling the same as them whereas, the audience feels the Beatles music inside them in this show.

It is noteworthy that beatles started a new trend of interacting with the audience in a very innovative way by exchanging giggles and laughing. These were the facts that made them stand on the top. The sets of ‘the ED sullivan show’ and ‘The Blackpool Night out’ were executed magnificently by these music stars.

Although there aren't a ton of new Beatlers that find it unearthed anymore, the ‘Beatles and their great concert at shea is something that created a total gig .

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It was a live recording without any overdubs, a concert that seemed almost too perfect , the Beatles who were on that back of catalog, which could be said as songwriters charmingly came out with an end game which could never have been secured without them being absolutely badass on the stage.

At shea they even dressed a sort of proto- pepper part, with military segalia, the line version of “Help” which has a special resonance, for a man in lemon staring into his latest abyss in life and singing about the abyss by being worshipped by the largest crowd in the rock history to date.

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That irony would not have been best on him, and for all the joy of this performance there is a little doubt that once they adjusted to surreality of the event ,the Beatles were having a good time, a great howled blue moment, a confession hymn cloaked in three part disguise of major key. Lemon remarked that he wrote 2 honest songs in his life which is bullshit but never mind one being ‘Help’ and other ‘Strawberry field forever’

At the peak of American Beatlemania,they played a mixture of outdoor stadiums and indoor arenas, perhaps a historic concert at shea stadium in new york and Hollywood bowl . Given the social climate and the political auro, it seems we all needed it as it helped the culture to coagulate into a counter culture , the protest movement or something that started with unifying youth culture. Beatles came at a time when the rock has commercialized , they could be charged as stream rollers kind of take over. However, overnight really lambasted the youth and revitalized what rock was originally .

So, the english band ‘The Beatle was regarded as the most influential band in popular music history with a line up comprising of John Lemon, Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison and RIngo Star who sparked the ‘Beatlemania’ Phenomena in 1963 and hence gained International stardom in 1965 with there concerns on the era's youth , counterculture, British identity and popular evolution of music in art form.

Hence, ‘The Beatles at Shea stadium’ tells a story through researched commentary and exclusive interviews with Beatles insiders friends and fans.The story which started in 1963 with Berstien scheduling followed by the events leading to a concert at Beatles arriving in New york tape ‘The ed sullivan show’ and attended a never before revealed dinner at rockefeller center.The concert and its excitement surrounding a performance based on untitled line recording and eyewitness accounts makes it all special.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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The Beatles: Evolution of Music in Art Form. (2024, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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