Strategic Analysis of Church & Dwight

Categories: BusinessChurch

"Over one hundred and fifty years back, in 1846, 2 natives of New England took the initial step toward developing a market that has actually considering that ended up being of national importance. Baking soda, which is a trade name for bicarbonate of soda, is now discovered in virtually every cooking area throughout the country and is related to a need by millions of Americans. It was first gotten ready for commercial distribution by 2 early New Englanders, John Dwight of Massachusetts and his brother-in-law, Dr.

Austin Church of Connecticut. Today the usage of bicarbonate of soda is no longer confined to the kitchen area. It is utilized throughout the home, in every phase of housekeeping and individual hygiene. ARM & & HAMMER Sodium Bicarbonate, which was first prepared in a New England town, now is utilized the world over."

Present Situation:

Church & & Dwight Co., Inc., founded in 1846, is the world's leading manufacturer of salt bicarbonate, popularly understood as baking soda, a natural item which cleans up, deodorizes leavens and buffers.

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The Business's Arm & & Hammer brand name is one of the country's most trusted trademarks for various consumer and specialized products established from the base of bicarbonate.

Products/Specialty Products:

Church & & Dwight customer items can be gotten into 4 categories: ventilating and family cleaning, laundry, individual care and global. Over half of their domestic items are offered under the Arm & & Hammer trademark name which consists of toothpaste, laundry detergent, and family pet items.

International Operations:

Church and Dwight are the world's biggest manufacturer of Sodium Bicarbonate, Church & & Dwight exports salt bicarbonate throughout the world from numerous plants in the United States and Brazil.

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Their subsidiary in Brazil likewise makes numerous inorganic chemicals, such as salt sulfide, sodium sulfite, sodium metabisulfite, barium carbonate, barium sulfate and barium chloride.

Ecological Scan:

An external scan of their environment showed that a person chance offered for their company is to broaden into the worldwide market. A few of the threats that were seen were competition/imitation, depending too heavily on the Arm & & Hammer brand, and expanding their product lines too far.

An internal scan showed a number of strengths and weaknesses. Some of their strengths include being a well established company, the wide variety of markets they are involved in, brand recognition, financial stability, experienced top management, and acquisition of competing firms such as Carter-Wallace, Inc and Kelso & Company. Weaknesses were that they are competing in a crowded market with established competition, they have had limited success in the international market, and that customers have a preconceived brand image of Arm & Hammer.

Strategy Formulation:

Mission Statement:


"At Church & Dwight, we surround ourselves with professionals who are motivated by a desire to make an impact in a fast-paced and challenging corporate climate. We are resourceful and creative problem-solvers who relish the opportunity to take decisive action to drive our continuing corporate growth. We prefer our dynamic work environment over a highly formalized and layered corporate structure, because we excel when provided with a healthy blend of independence, flexibility and responsibility."


The secret behind meeting their objectives is that Church and Dwight recognize that their most valuable resource is their employees. They continue to a successful company because of the strengths found within product teams. Their teams work in synergy to identify key consumer insights, develop innovative products. They also encourage their employees to adhere to a company philosophy based on moral and ethical principles. Church & Dwight attracts and retains their employees by offering an action-oriented environment that values accomplishment. The company also offers "competitive salaries, excellent health and wellness benefits, 401(k), profit sharing a generous vacation policy, and educational assistance."


Strategy Implementation:




The key skills and behaviors that Church and Dwight run their company by are leadership, strategic thinking, creativity and innovation, external focus, collaboration and teamwork, communication, and functional mastery. The leadership skills consist of the "5 E's": energizing, entrepreneurial, edge, execution, and enable. Their approach to analytical and strategic thinking enables employees to identify and solve problems responsibly and remain competitive in their environment. Their focus on creativity and innovation allows them to generate new ideas and remain strategically focused. The external focus centers around consumers, customers, suppliers and competitors. This enables to look for opportunities to collaborate with outsiders and carry out their philosophy "Act Local, Think Global."

Evaluation and Control:

Performance: For over 150 years, Church and Dwight has been a successful company that continues to grow.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Strategic Analysis of Church & Dwight. (2016, Jul 06). Retrieved from

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