Welcome to the 19th Annual Sports Event: A Remarkable Beginning

Categories: SportsSportsmanship

Opening Speech for a Sports Event Ladies and Gentlemen Boys and Girls It gives me great pleasure to be at the Opening Ceremony of the 19th Annual Sports Meet. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to all participants and physical education teachers. It is the strong commitment to track and field, and to the development of our youth, is the reason why we have all gathered here . This event speaks for the commitment that all of us in the school hold for the sport.

I am sure that we will witness athletic performances of the highest quality over the course of this championship.

Do your best and compete in the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. And take the opportunity to come closer to each other. I would like to share with you this quote from Jesse Owens, the legendary American athlete who won four gold medals in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany. It goes like this, “Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition.

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Awards become corroded, but friends gather no dust. ” Certainly, each of you will pit your skills and talents against your opponents from other teams.

But I encourage you to also make the most of this wonderful opportunity to showcase best athletic talent and spirit of comradeship. I would like to give special praise and congratulations to the Sports staff which has exposed you to rigorous practice sessions. Their efforts have contributed in raising the overall standard of school sports competitions and building stamina.

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I think few will dispute that sports make you strong, healthy and teach us to accept defeat and celebrate victory. These lessons later become building blocks of success in life.

As we head towards the final stretch of our preparations, we are focusing on building excitement in the community and encouraging people to embrace the spirit of the games’ motto - “Be the Legend” by showing their support for the competing athletes. In the coming days we are going to see some very exhilarating moments and I encourage everyone to enjoy it. Fun and excitement are guaranteed. Indeed, the Annual Sports Meet will play a significant role in raising school’s sporting profile. In closing, I wish you every success and good health. I am delighted to declare the Annual Sports Meet Open. Thank you very much.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Welcome to the 19th Annual Sports Event: A Remarkable Beginning. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/sports-event-new-essay

Welcome to the 19th Annual Sports Event: A Remarkable Beginning essay
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