Siebel Assignment Manager Rules Engine Computer Science Essay

Categories: Search Engines

Siebel Assignment Manager is a regulations engine that allows gross revenues and service organisations to delegate the most qualified people to specific undertakings. Assignment Manager accomplishes this map by fiting campaigners to predefined and user-configurable assignment objects. To delegate the most qualified campaigner to each object, Assignment Manager applies assignment regulations that you define. For you to specify assignment regulations, you select:

aˆ? Objects to which each assignment regulation applies

aˆ? Rule Groups to which each assignment regulation applies ( optional )

aˆ? Criteria for each assignment regulation

aˆ? Valuess for each assignment standards

aˆ? Skills to fit assignment regulations, objects, organisations, employees, and places

aˆ? Tonss for each assignment regulation, standards, and value

aˆ? Candidates that are scored utilizing the assignment regulation

aˆ? Workload regulations to equilibrate work across your organisation

Terminology of Assignment Manager:

Assignment Object: In Siebel Assignment Object is repository Data type which is need to be assigned.

Based on Assignment Rule Assignment Manager finds the suited campaigner. A figure of predefined assignment objects are available for usage by Assignment Manager for the most normally used concern entities in Siebel Business Applications.

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Some of the predefined assignment objects are:

a- History

a- Activity

a- Campaign

a- Campaign Contact

a- Contact

a- Opportunity

a- Order ( Gross saless Credit Assignment )

a- Product Defect

a- Undertaking

a- Project Team

a- Service Request

Assignment Rule: In Siebel Assignment Manager, an assignment regulation is a aggregation of logical concern boundaries. Each assignment regulation has an activation and an termination day of the month that you can utilize to denote a scope of day of the months for when the regulation should be active.

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If you specify an activation day of the month and no termination day of the month, the regulation is active from the day of the month denoted by the activation day of the month onwards. If you specify an termination day of the month and no activation day of the month, the regulation is active until the day of the month denoted by the termination day of the month. If you do non stipulate neither the activation day of the month nor the termination day of the month, the regulation is ever active.

Assignment Standards: In Siebel Assignment Manager, assignment standards enforce concern conditions when applied to assignment regulations. An assignment regulation can hold one or more assignment standards. For Each standard specific values can be given if required.

Runing manner of Assignment Manager:

Batch Mode -- Use batch assignment to delegate multiple records of an object in a individual batch. Typically, you want to run batch occupations sporadically when you anticipate the least sum of database activity ( such as day-to-day or hebdomadal after-hours ) .

Dynamic Mode -- Dynamic assignment is particularly utile in a deployment where users and server plans make frequent alterations to the assignment object records ( such as service petitions and activities ) because dynamic assignment can automatically find the alterations and delegate the objects to the appropriate people and organisations.

Synergistic Mode -- Runing Assignment Manager in synergistic manner allows end users to do real-time assignments. End users can reexamine a list of possible assignees generated by Assignment Manager, so select and confirm, or override the assignment from the generated possible campaigner list.

Making Assignment Rule ( Considering Service Request as Assignment Object )

Goto SiteMap- & gt ; Admin Assignment

DrillDown on Rule Group List

Make a new Record


Parent Rule Group



SR Assignment

( If required )

Date ( From when regulation group should be Active )

Date ( After this Date regulation group should be expired )

Drilldown on Rule Group Name

Create Assignment Rule in Rule List Applet


SR Assignment Rule

For Object to be Assigned, Make a new record in PickApplet and choose an Object.

Fill Other Fieldss

Object To Be Assigned




Service Request

Date ( From when regulation should be Active )

Date ( After this Date regulation should be expired )


Drill Down on Assignment Rule, Fill the Candidate Details on the footing of demand.

Important Fieldss, there values and descriptionaˆ¦..

Assignee Filter Field

Assignee Filter Field Values

Assignee Filter


All, Above Minimum

Use assignees with an assignment mark greater than or equal to the assignment regulation 's campaigner passing mark. Assigns one or more assignees.

All, Must Assign

Lapp as the All, Above Minimum value, except that the highest-scoring campaigner is a possible assignee even if all campaigners fail to run into the campaigner passing mark. Assigns one or more assignees.

One, Best Fit

Use the highest marking assignee with an assignment mark greater than or equal to the campaigner passing mark. Assigns one assignee.

One, Random

Choose a random assignee whose mark is greater than or equal to the campaigner go throughing mark required for this assignment regulation. Assigns one assignee.

Note: A A If you do non utilize tonss, the campaigner go throughing mark on the assignment regulation and all qualifying campaigner tonss are treated as nothing. Therefore, every measure uping campaigner ( every campaigner that passes all needed standards ) is assigned depending on the assignee filter.

The assignee filter determines how campaigners are evaluated as possible assignees to the object.

2.2 Person Candidates Source

From Rule. To delegate the objects merely to candidate ( places and employees ) defined in the regulation.

All People. Checks Assignment Skills of the full campaigner ( places and employees )

Teams. The individual dynamic campaigner squads you define in Siebel Tools ( the value of the Team Type belongings in the Dynamic Candidate object ) appear in the Person Candidates Source list of values ( LOV ) field in the assignment regulation.

2.3 Organization Candidates Source

From Rule. To delegate the objects merely to candidate ( Organization ) defined in the regulation.

All People. Checks Assignment Skills of the full campaigner ( Organization ) .

Teams. The organisation dynamic campaigner squads you define in Siebel Tools appear in the Organization Candidates Source list of values ( LOV ) field in the assignment regulation.

Check Employee Calendar Field

If cheque so Assignment Manager checks the employees handiness by look intoing it 's calander.

Assignment Standards:

Goto Assignment Rule

DrillDown on the Rule Name

In Criteria check, Create a new record

Rule Standard

Service Request Type

Comparison Method: Assignment Manager uses standards comparing methods to measure up objects or campaigners, or both, foran assignment regulation

Comparison Method


Comparison to


Standards values are compared with object 's property.

Comparison to


Compares standards values to accomplishments of individual campaigners ( employees or places ) . Person campaigners that possess the accomplishments required by the standard qualify for this standard.


Object to


Object 's property is compared with Assignment Skills of the campaigners ( employees or places ) , Object is assigned to one campaigners ( employees or places ) .

Comparison to


Compares standards values to accomplishments of Organization campaigners. Organization campaigners that possess the accomplishments required by the standard qualify for this standard.


Object to


Object 's property is compared with Assignment Skills of the organisation campaigners, Object is assigned to one organisation campaigners.

Inclusion Method:

Inclusion Method



Attribute value must fit at least standards value

Include All

Attribute value must fit all standards value

Include All Matching

All Attribute value must fit fiting standards value


Attribute value should except all standards value

5. Enter the standards value by making new record.

Adding Campaigners:

Goto Employee campaigner

Add database users by making new record.

Workload distribution:

Workload distribution is a particular standards type that balances the burden between campaigners. You create workload distribution by adding work load regulations in the Assignment Workload position for employees and places, or the Assignment Organization Workload position for organisations. Workload distribution is by and large used with service assignments.

Goto Workload Distribution Rule position.

Make a new record


Object To Be Assigned


Service Request

Supply the status for work load

Condition Field

Comparison Operator


Service Request Status



Add this Workload distribution regulation to Assignment Rule.

Goto Assignment Rule

Drilldown on Rule Name- & gt ; Goto Workload Distribution check

Make a new record.

Select work load distribution regulation

Give a value for Maximum Workload Eg. 100.

Give Score value if required.

Finally Goto Assignment Rule and imperativeness 'Release ' button to do it available.

Runing Assignment Manager ( Batch Mode ) :

Goto Admin-Server Management- & gt ; Jobs

Make a new record with following inside informations

Give the Component Name `` Batch Assignment ''

Make the occupation reiterating by giving following inside informations



Repeat Unit of measurement


Repeat Time interval


Enter the undermentioned occupation parametric quantity.



Assignment Object Name

Service Request

Object Where Clause


Submit the JOB.

Dynamic Campaigner:

They are the possible assignee for assignment object. Similar to Inactive Candidate. These are the group of members for which Assignment Manager works.

Dynamic Candidate chiefly works for 'Compare Object to Person ' . This of two types,

Single Owner Type: Merely one campaigner will be associated with Assignment Object.

Multiple Owner Type: Multiple Members Will be associated with Assignment Object.

For Configuring Dynamic Candidate, It is need to be configured from Tool side.

The advantage of Dynamic Candidate is to cut down the list of members for assignment.

Configuring Dynamic Candidate ;

Login into Siebel Tools.

Question for `` Service Request '' in workflow policy.

Goto 'Service Request ' Assignment Object.

Goto Dynamic Candidate, Configure this harmonizing to following informations.

Compile 'Service Request ' Workflow Policy.

This Team ( Dynamic members ) will be available in Person Candidate List.

Case Study of Assignment Manager:

Requirement -- i? Service Request created under Account should be assigned to a campaigner on the footing of following points:

Service Request Type ( Type Of Service Request )

Employee Circle ( SR circle and employee circle should be same )

Service Request Shift Details ( SR Creation clip should be within employee working hr )

Market Segment ( Market Segment type of Account )

Service Request should delegate to limited users.

Approach: -

We have a option of limited no of users, i.e. the value in Person candidate beginning should be `` From Rule ''

For Assignee filter we are utilizing `` All, Above Minimum '' because we are non utilizing tonss.

We have added two employees in Employee Candidate.

We have Added Workload distribution regulation, holding maximal load 100.

We are Using `` Compare to Object '' , Because Criteria values are being compared with Object property.

Inclusion method is `` Include '' because merely one value of object property is at that place to fit with Assignment standards value.


Stairss to make EBCaˆ¦ .

Log in to Tool

Goto File - & gt ; New Object ( New Object Wizard )

Select 'External Table Schema Import '

Enter The Following Details


Any locked Undertaking

Schema Source

If importing from DDL file so use 'DDL/Analytics ' , otherwise usage 'ODBC '

Character Group

Any three random figure

After giving these inside informations press 'Next ' .

Choose a information beginning which has ODBC entry.

Give the name of table proprietor. Eg. 'STAGING '

Goto Next measure.

Choose the tabular array you want to bring forth the scheme of & A ; goto following measure.

Supply the tally clip informations beginning. As mentioned in TNS entry.

Complete the ace. This ace will make external table scheme.

To look into this information beginning make following entries in cfg file.

In Data beginning subdivision:

[ DataSources ]


Foe this Data beginning brand following entries:


Docked = FALSE

ConnectString = UWUATDB

TableOwner = Theatrical production

DSUsername = STAGING

DSPassword = Theatrical production

DLL = sscdo90.dll

SqlStyle = OracleCBO

Make a Business constituent based on this tabular array and mentioned the Data Source name for the BC.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Siebel Assignment Manager Rules Engine Computer Science Essay. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Siebel Assignment Manager Rules Engine Computer Science Essay essay
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