Relationship Marketing Orientation: Fostering Authentic Customer Engagement

Categories: Business

Relationship Marketing Orientation
-"Relationship marketing orientation" refers to the establishment of an authentic and long-term
relationship with the customer. -The term "interruption to interaction" alludes to the reality that
marketing can no longer rely on a one-time transaction; instead, marketing must focus on taking
steps to engage with the client.

This point of view emphasizes involvement, which is aided by the deployment of two essential
customer-based strategies: customer satisfaction and relationship marketing.
Being satisfied with a business -is a customer's assessment of a product or service in terms of
whether that product or service met the customer's needs and expectations -keeping current
customers satisfied is just as important as attracting new customers -a study discovered that
reducing customer attrition by just 5 to 10% could increase annual profits Employees across the
organization are more likely to comprehend the link between how they do their job and customer
satisfaction by up to 75% -management has a problem with customer satisfaction, employees
across the organization are more likely to comprehend the link between how they do their job
and customer satisfaction.

Relationship marketing is a strategy that assumes that many consumers and business customers
prefer to retain an ongoing relationship with one company rather than switching between
suppliers in their pursuit for value.

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Disney leaders, for example, understand that their company creates products and experiences that
become an important part of people's lives and memories "right by the customer," starting with
front-line cast members who interact directly with the public and extending to all employees in all departments, who evaluate each decision based on how it will affect customers and their
relationship with the Disney brand.

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CRM was born as a system for mining data to help marketers comprehend each customer on an
individual level, but CRM best serves the ultimate goal of meeting customer needs and building
relationships -a key aspect is trust, and to build companies must be willing to share their stories
with customers and listen to and act on what customers desire.

Updated: Aug 04, 2023
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Relationship Marketing Orientation: Fostering Authentic Customer Engagement. (2023, Aug 04). Retrieved from

Relationship Marketing Orientation: Fostering Authentic Customer Engagement essay
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