Reaching the Brexit Deal

Categories: BritainPolitics


This report is a discussion about the process of Brexit which involves the UK and EU and it is a presentation of the stages of Brexit which includes some facts and opinions from a wide range of journalists and mass-media. The aim of this report is to discuss the two main ways the Brexit can go: DEAL or NO DEAL. At the end will be a short analyze around the main ideas of the report.


Brexit is the term used for the UK’s withdrawal and it is the word “Britain” and the word “Exit” put together in one name according to many sources (Government of Netherlands).

This process can take the route of a well-controlled deal or can end UK’s journey without a deal. In the following paragraphs I will discuss the Brexit deal which has been presented to the citizens my Theresa May.

Findings and discussion

In case of a Brexit with an agreement between UK and EU a few changes will take place about the most important issues like the final money that UK will have to pay to the European Union, the rights of the people living abroad and the biggest problem, the border with Northern Ireland.

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The agreement represents all the relations post Brexit between these two parts and it can make a difference between a great future and a chaotic future for both parties. In the following paragraphs it will be discussed these three main problems mentioned before:

Citizens’ Rights leaving abroad

Sajid Javid explained for BBC how easy it will be for the foreigners to keep their place in UK without any issues and he said they want to allow people to stay, they don’t want to reject them , EU citizens will need to use a website or an app to answer 3 questions which will be checked by a government member in a database.

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The questions are simple, to prove your identity using your ID, to tell them about any criminal convictions and to give them the addresses you had from the moment when you came to UK until the moment you will be completing the application to stay in UK. The representant from the government specified the application will be rejected only for serious problems with the law. The government will pay £170 million for this project and they are expecting around 3.5 million applications. All the EU citizens will need to apply, also the citizens from Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, which are included in the scheme, if they don’t have five years in UK before December 2020. The citizens which have over five years they will still need to do the application and they will be able to apply for the settled status which will give them the right to stay for as long as they want. The costs of the application will be £65 per adult and £32.5 for a child. The app will be operational from the beginning of 2019 and it will be on for over 2 years. The rights of UK’s citizens in Europe is not a major problem because the European Union can’t do anything about it, it will be the individual countries to decide what they will do with the UK’s citizens.

The border between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland

This is one of the biggest problems in the idea of Brexit because it is a free movement of people and goods between them as both are part of the European Union. Both countries want to avoid a “hard border” which will affect the products, the prices of the products imported and exported between these two countries and more than that people will have to wait hours to be checked, while now it is no checks on goods or on people. The EU said it will not be a deal if they can’t reach and agreement between the UK and Ireland to avoid a “hard border”.

What will UK need to pay to EU?

This is another important issue which needs to be well managed by UK because their contribution to the EU will need to be paid until 2025 because an agreement is set every 7 years and the next paragraph will explain how much money UK will need to pay and how long they have to pay it.

The Office for Budget Responsibility have declared for the press about the UK’s part in EU, even if they will not be in this organization, they will still need to pay £16.4 billion in 2019 and 2020 which represents the transition period and another £18.2 billion between 2021 and 2028, which will start with a full £7 billion in 2021 and it will decrease to £3 mil in 2023 and after will be around £500 million per year until 2028. OBR projected the final costs to be around £37.1 billion and The Treasury of UK have announced UK will need to pay all of them for a period of 45 years to avoid an economic crisis.


The deal is not even close to be finalized but everyone is hoping for the best future for both sides, with future arrangements will benefit UK and EU, with an Irish border with minor changes, respecting the rights of the citizens from other countries and ensuring UK will avoid an economic crisis.


  1.  BBC News. (2018). UK's plan for EU citizens who want to stay. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  2. (2018). What is Brexit? [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2018].
  3.  Hunt, A. (2018). Brexit: All you need to know. [online] BBC News. Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  4.  Knox, P. (2018). What will happen to the Irish border after Brexit, when is the EU deadline and what currently happens at the crossing? [online] The Sun. Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  5.  The Independent. (2018). Britain will be paying Brexit 'divorce bill' until 2064, Treasury watchdog says. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
  6.  Walker, N. (2018). Brexit timeline: events leading to the UK’s exit from the European Union. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2018].
Updated: Apr 20, 2021
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Reaching the Brexit Deal essay
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