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Why is Rebecca Nurse accused of witchcraft?

Category: Literature

In The Crucible, Rebecca Nurse is accused of witchcraft due to a combination of societal fears, personal rivalries, and her non-conformity to the prevailing norms of the time. In the context of the Salem Witch Trials in the late 17th century, accusations of witchcraft were often driven by superstition and hysteria. Rebecca Nurse, an elderly and respected member of the community known for her devout religious beliefs, became a target due to her unconventional practices and independent nature, which challenged the established order. Additionally, personal animosities and jealousies may have played a role, as some individuals held grudges or harbored resentments towards her, using the witchcraft accusations as a means of seeking revenge or settling scores. Despite her virtuous reputation, Rebecca Nurse's non-conformity and personal conflicts ultimately led to her being wrongly accused and unjustly persecuted as a supposed witch.

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