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Why is Nick the narrator of the story?

Category: Literature

Nick Carraway is the narrator of "The Great Gatsby" because he serves as an impartial observer and a bridge between the various characters and social classes depicted in the novel. As a Midwesterner with no significant personal investment in the extravagant and materialistic world of the East Coast elite, Nick brings an outsider's perspective to the events, enabling readers to see the opulence, decadence, and moral decay through a critical lens. Furthermore, his moral integrity and empathy allow him to understand Jay Gatsby's dreams and motivations, making him the ideal narrator to unravel the enigmatic figure of Gatsby. Through Nick's narration, F. Scott Fitzgerald crafts a poignant critique of the American Dream, societal excesses, and the disillusionment of the Jazz Age, making him a crucial and compelling voice in the storytelling process.

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