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Why does Shylock demand Antonio’s flesh instead of money?

Category: Literature

Shylock, the character from William Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice," demands Antonio's flesh instead of money due to a combination of personal vendetta and a desire for revenge. Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, has faced constant discrimination and mistreatment from Antonio and other Christian characters throughout the play. Antonio has openly expressed his disdain for Shylock and his profession, publicly ridiculing and berating him. Therefore, when given the opportunity to extract his revenge, Shylock seizes upon Antonio's default on a loan to demand a pound of his flesh. By choosing flesh over money, Shylock aims to physically harm Antonio and exact a gruesome revenge for the years of humiliation and prejudice he has endured, emphasizing the deep-seated animosity and resentment that fuels his decision.

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Why does Shylock demand Antonio’s flesh instead of money?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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