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Why does Nwoye convert to Christianity?

Category: Literature

Nwoye converts to Christianity in Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart" primarily due to his dissatisfaction with the traditional Igbo culture and the oppressive practices associated with it. As he witnesses the inflexible gender roles, the ritualistic killing of twins, and the harsh treatment of the osu (outcasts), Nwoye becomes increasingly disillusioned with the values and beliefs of his own community. The arrival of the Christian missionaries brings him a new perspective, offering a different set of values that resonate with his yearning for compassion, equality, and a more inclusive worldview. The missionaries' teachings of love, forgiveness, and the promise of salvation appeal to Nwoye's sensitive and questioning nature, leading him to embrace Christianity as an alternative path that offers him hope, freedom, and a sense of belonging.

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Why does Nwoye convert to Christianity?. (2023, Jul 17). Retrieved from

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