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Why does Little Chandler admire Gallaher in “A Little Cloud”?

Category: Literature

Little Chandler, the main character in "A Little Cloud" by James Joyce, is portrayed as an ambitious but frustrated man who longs for the freedom and excitement of his former friend, Gallaher. The narrative explores the reasons behind Chandler's admiration of Gallaher, which stem from the latter's unbridled enthusiasm for life and professional success. One of the primary reasons Chandler admires Gallaher is his success as a journalist. Gallaher has traveled extensively and made a name for himself in the world of journalism, a field that Little Chandler views with great admiration but has yet to make his mark in. Gallaher's career success is a symbol of the kind of freedom and excitement that Chandler craves.

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Why does Little Chandler admire Gallaher in “A Little Cloud”?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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