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Why does Holmwood stab Lucy with the stake?

Category: Literature

In the novel Dracula, Holmwood stabs Lucy with the stake as a desperate act of mercy and a last-ditch effort to save her from the clutches of the vampiric curse. As Lucy progressively falls under Dracula's influence and transforms into a vampire herself, her condition becomes increasingly horrifying and threatens the lives of those around her. After she dies, she rises from the dead and starts killing childen to feed on them. Understanding that the ultimate death by staking is the only way to release Lucy's tormented soul and prevent her from perpetuating the cycle of evil, Holmwood takes it upon himself to perform this gruesome act, driven by a mix of compassion, duty, and the desire to protect others. Ultimately, Holmwood's decision to stab Lucy with the stake embodies the painful sacrifice and moral responsibility required in the face of the supernatural horrors unleashed by Count Dracula.

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Why does Holmwood stab Lucy with the stake?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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