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Why does Brutus refuse to swear an oath?

Category: Literature

Brutus is a character in William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar," and his refusal to swear an oath is a crucial element of his characterization. The reason why Brutus refuses to swear an oath is multifaceted, and can be analyzed from several different angles. From a psychological perspective, Brutus is a man of honor who values his word and his reputation above all else. He sees taking an oath as unnecessary, as he believes that his character and his actions should speak for themselves. By refusing to swear an oath, Brutus is asserting his autonomy and his independence, and implying that he is confident in his own moral compass. From a political perspective, Brutus is a proponent of republicanism.

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Why does Brutus refuse to swear an oath?. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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