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Why does Beowulf want to see the treasure?

Category: Literature

Beowulf, the renowned hero of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem of the same name, is a complex character whose motivations and actions have been subject to interpretation and analysis by literary scholars for centuries. The question of why Beowulf wants to see the treasure is one that has been explored in depth by researchers from various disciplines, including literary studies, anthropology, and psychology. At a superficial level, one might argue that Beowulf's desire to see the treasure is motivated by a desire for wealth and material possessions. After all, the treasure is described in the poem as being vast and glittering, consisting of gold, jewels, weapons, and other precious items. He also wants to leave the treasure he won to his people.

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Why does Beowulf want to see the treasure?. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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