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Why did Tituba confess to dancing with the Devil?

Category: Literature

Tituba, a slave in the Salem witch trials of 1692, likely confessed to dancing with the Devil due to a combination of fear, social pressure, and a desire to protect herself in Arthur Miller's play. As an enslaved woman in a highly religious and superstitious society, Tituba occupied a vulnerable position and faced immense scrutiny. Confessing to witchcraft and associating herself with the Devil may have been a strategic choice, as it allowed her to shift blame and divert attention away from her own marginalized status. Moreover, the intense interrogation and relentless accusations she endured could have coerced her into confessing, as she may have believed that admission would spare her from severe punishment or even death.

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Why did Tituba confess to dancing with the Devil?. (2023, Jul 27). Retrieved from

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