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Who Is Emmanuel Goldstein?

Category: Literature

Emmanuel Goldstein is a fictional character from George Orwell's dystopian novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four." In the novel, Goldstein is portrayed as the ultimate enemy of the ruling party, known as the Party, in the totalitarian state of Oceania. He is the leader of "The Brotherhood," an underground resistance movement dedicated to overthrowing the Party and its oppressive regime. Goldstein is depicted as a scapegoat, a figurehead for all the Party's propaganda and a symbol of dissent. The Party uses him to maintain its control over the population by directing hatred and fear towards him, creating a sense of unity and loyalty among the citizens. Goldstein represents the embodiment of resistance and rebellion against an oppressive regime in Orwell's cautionary tale of authoritarianism and thought control.

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Who Is Emmanuel Goldstein?. (2023, May 29). Retrieved from

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