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What Is The Picture Of Dorian Gray About?

Category: Literature

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a famous novel by Oscar Wilde, published in 1890. It's about a young man who has a portrait painted that ages instead of him. He uses his new ability to avoid responsibility and become increasingly corrupt, while his portrait reflects the consequences of his actions. His friend Basil Hallward, a painter. idolizes Dorian and paints a portrait of him that reflects his innocence, beauty, and goodness. When Dorian sees the painting, he wishes it would age instead of him so that he would never lose his youthful looks. His wish comes true—the painting ages while he remains forever young.

Over time, Dorian's inner ugliness begins to show through his outward beauty. He begins to pursue pleasure at any cost, including murder and betrayal. Finally he realizes that there is no way out of his doomed existence except death itself — and turns into an ugly old man when he dies.

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