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What is the meaning of the Anglo-Saxon term “wyrd”?

Category: Literature

The Anglo-Saxon term "wyrd" is a concept that is deeply rooted in the culture and mythology of ancient England. The term "wyrd" is derived from the Old English word "wyrdan," which translates to "to come to pass" or "to happen." It is a concept that refers to the idea that events in life are predetermined, and that there is a force controlling the direction that one's life will take. In literature, the concept of "wyrd" is often associated with the notion of fate or destiny. In Anglo-Saxon culture, the belief in "wyrd" was central to the worldview of the people. It was believed that every individual had a "wyrd" or destiny that was predetermined. This is in important concept in old literature.

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What is the meaning of the Anglo-Saxon term “wyrd”?. (2023, Jul 27). Retrieved from

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