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What Is The Iliad About?

Category: Literature

The Iliad is an epic poem that tells the story of the Trojan War, which took place during the Bronze Age. It was written by Homer, probably around 750 BCE.

The Iliad is about many things: honor, loyalty, trustworthiness, and personal pride. But most importantly, it's about war—not just any war, but one of epic proportions. The great city of Troy was under siege by the Greeks for ten years before its final destruction in 1184 BCE. And this is where our story begins…

In Book One of The Iliad, we meet Achilles—the greatest warrior in all of Greece—and see him argue with Agamemnon over who should receive the spoils from their victory at Troy's gates. Achilles is angry because Agamemnon has taken away Briseis from him as booty for his own personal enjoyment; he also feels that she should go to him because he has been fighting longer than anyone else on Agamemnon's behalf.

When Achilles threatens to leave camp and return home to Greece without helping them finish their siege against Troy if they do not give Briseis back to him immediately.

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