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What Is Station 11 About?

Category: Literature

Station 11 is a post-apocalyptic novel that follows a group of survivors as they travel across North America to reach Station 11, the last remaining outpost of civilization. The book is divided into three sections: "The Year of Miracles," which accounts for the first half of the book; "The Year of Blackouts," which encompasses the second half; and "The Year of Droughts," which describes what happens after the end of the novel.

As we follow our characters through their journey, we see how each one has been affected by pandemic—some have lost loved ones, others have found new friends and family members in unexpected places. We also see how they use their strengths to help them along their journey: one woman uses her knowledge as a doctor to treat those who are sick or injured; another uses his skills as a pilot to fly them from one location to another; yet another relies on her artistic ability to draw maps for them on her tablet computer so they know where they're going next. As readers we watch these characters grow stronger together and become stronger individuals than they would have been without each other's help.

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What Is Station 11 About?. (2023, Feb 01). Retrieved from

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