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What is Reverend Dimmesdale’s illness?

Category: Literature

Reverend Dimmesdale, a character from Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter," suffers from a mysterious and debilitating illness that stems from the internal torment of his guilt and secrets. Dimmesdale's ailment is primarily psychological and spiritual in nature, caused by the weight of his hidden sin. As a revered Puritan minister in the strict society of 17th-century Boston, he conceals his affair with Hester Prynne, resulting in the birth of their illegitimate child. Dimmesdale's illness manifests as a deteriorating physical condition, marked by symptoms such as weakened vitality, intense self-inflicted penance, sleeplessness, and the haunting presence of a visible, scarlet letter on his chest. Ultimately, the reverend's illness serves as a poignant symbol of the destructive effects of concealed guilt and the internal struggles faced by individuals who grapple with their own moral transgressions.

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