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What Happened In 1984?

Category: Literature

1984 is a dystopian novel by George Orwell. It was written in 1948, and it describes a future where the government of Oceania has absolute control over its citizens. The government uses propaganda, surveillance, and mind control to keep the people in line.

The main character in the story is Winston Smith. Winston lives in London, which is part of Oceania. He works at the Ministry of Truth (which is responsible for destroying evidence that contradicts the party line). Winston's job is to change historical records so they fit with what the party wants people to believe happened.

Winston is unhappy with life under Big Brother (the leader of Oceania), so he starts an illegal affair with Julia, another worker at his ministry. But because he does not share her hatred for Big Brother, Winston ends up being tortured and brainwashed by O'Brien, an agent for the Thought Police (which hunts down anyone who thinks differently than Big Brother).

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