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What are the circles of Hell in Dante’s Inferno?

Category: Literature

Dante's Inferno, part of his epic poem "The Divine Comedy", depicts a vivid journey through the realms of the afterlife. In this allegorical work, the circles of Hell represent a descent into progressively more severe punishments for various sins. There are nine circles in total: Limbo, where virtuous non-Christians reside; Lust, where the lustful are swept away by a tempestuous wind; Gluttony, where the gluttonous suffer perpetual hunger and thirst; Greed, where the avaricious and prodigal push enormous weights against each other; Wrath, where the wrathful fight each other in a muddy river; Heresy, where the heretics reside in burning tombs; Violence, subdivided into three rings—Violence against others, Violence against oneself, and Violence against God, nature, and art; Fraud, with ten concentric subdivisions representing different forms of deception; and finally, Treachery, where traitors are imprisoned in a frozen lake, including the ultimate traitor, Satan, at its center.

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What are the circles of Hell in Dante’s Inferno?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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