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Is The Tempest a tragedy or a comedy?

Category: Literature

The Tempest, written by William Shakespeare, is often considered a complex play that defies easy categorization into a single genre. While it contains elements of both tragedy and comedy, the prevailing consensus among scholars is that it falls into the category of comedy. The play follows the story of Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan, who uses his magical powers to orchestrate a series of events on a remote island. The Tempest explores themes of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the power of art. While there are moments of tension and potential tragedy, the play ultimately ends on a note of resolution and harmony, with the main characters finding redemption and a sense of closure. Thus, The Tempest is widely regarded as one of Shakespeare's late romances, blending elements of comedy, tragedy, and fantasy to create a unique and enchanting theatrical experience.

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Is The Tempest a tragedy or a comedy?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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