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In “Araby” why does the narrator want to go to the bazaar?

Category: Literature

In James Joyce's short story Araby," the narrator's desire to attend the bazaar stems from his infatuation with his friend Mangan's sister. The narrator has a deep yearning to impress her and make a romantic connection with her, and he sees the bazaar as a potential opportunity to do so.The bazaar represents a world of exoticism and adventure to the narrator, who lives in a rather mundane and repetitive environment. He is intrigued by the idea of venturing into the unknown and experiencing all the wonders of the bazaar. Moreover, he is captivated by the mystical depiction of Arabic culture and imagines it to be a place of intrigue and mystery.For the narrator, attending the bazaar is his ultimate goal"

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In “Araby” why does the narrator want to go to the bazaar?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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