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How Old Was Se Hinton When She Wrote The Outsiders?

Category: Literature

S.E. Hinton, whose full name is Susan Eloise Hinton, was only 15 years old when she began writing her iconic novel, "The Outsiders." She started writing the book in 1965, and it was published in 1967 when she was just 17 years old. Hinton wrote the novel during her sophomore and junior years of high school as a response to the lack of relatable literature for teenagers. Hinton's age at the time of writing "The Outsiders" is remarkable and adds depth to the impact of the novel. Considering her young age, the way she captured the essence of teenage emotions, struggles, and the dynamics of societal divisions is truly impressive.

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How Old Was Se Hinton When She Wrote The Outsiders?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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