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How does Wiesel treat his father during the journey to Buchenwald?

Category: Literature

In Elie Wiesel's memoir Night, Wiesel and his father are prisoners in the Auschwitz concentration camp and are being transported to Buchenwald. During the journey, Wiesel's father is weak and ill, and Wiesel struggles with conflicting feelings of love and resentment towards him. At times, Wiesel is kind and protective towards his father, sharing his food and trying to keep him warm. At other times, however, Wiesel is frustrated and angry with his father for being a burden and for slowing him down. Ultimately, Wiesel's father dies shortly before they reach Buchenwald, leaving Wiesel with a sense of guilt and loss.

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How does Wiesel treat his father during the journey to Buchenwald?. (2023, Apr 13). Retrieved from

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