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How Did Grindelwald Get The Elder Wand?

Category: Literature

The Elder Wand was made by Death, who gave it to Antioch Peverell. Later the wizard was killed and the wand was stolen from him.

After that, the wand had no master and began to pass from wizard to wizard, often causing trouble in its wake. The wand eventually came into the possession of Gellert Grindelwald, who stole it from Mykew Gregorovitch, and caused him to become obsessed with it. He wanted to use it to create a new world order where wizards ruled over non-wizards. Grindelwald's other goals included taking over Albus Dumbledore's position as Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Grindelwald's plan did not work out as he hoped: Dumbledore defeated him in battle and took possession of the wand himself (which he used for many years).

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