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Does the Monster die?

Category: Literature

Yes, the Monster from Frankenstein dies in Mary Shelley's novel. At the end of the story, consumed by grief and loneliness, the Monster seeks solace in the Arctic, where he confronts his creator, Victor Frankenstein. After recounting the tragic events that led to his existence, the Monster implores Victor to create a female companion for him, promising to vanish from society forever if his request is granted. However, Victor ultimately destroys the half-completed female creature out of fear of the havoc they might wreak together. Enraged and filled with vengeance, the Monster vows to make Victor's life a living hell and departs, leading to a pursuit that spans across continents. In the final confrontation between the two, the Monster learns of Victor's death and laments the loss of his creator. With a heavy heart, he declares his intention to end his own life, disappearing into the wilderness, presumably meeting his demise.

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