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Does Daisy love Gatsby or Tom?

Category: Literature

In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby," Daisy Buchanan is a complex character who is torn between her love for Jay Gatsby and her loyalty to her husband, Tom Buchanan.

Daisy initially falls in love with Gatsby before her marriage to Tom, and she is drawn to his romantic idealism and his dreams of a better future. However, when she ultimately chooses to marry Tom, she does so in part because of his wealth, social status, and the security he provides.

Throughout the novel, Daisy's feelings for Gatsby are complicated by her feelings of obligation to Tom and her fear of social ostracism if she were to leave him. Although she is initially drawn back to Gatsby and begins an affair with him, she ultimately chooses to stay with Tom and distances herself from Gatsby when she realizes the consequences of their actions.

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Does Daisy love Gatsby or Tom?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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