Ppreventable Crimes

Categories: Death penalty

According to David Dow, the similarity of these death row inmates was that most came from a tough environment. Most of the death row inmates grew up in dysfunctional families and came from dysfunctional families. In most cases, this consisted of witnessing a divorce or split between parents, or the father not being present in the child’s life. As David Dow mentioned his client, a young boy named Will, who was raised by a single mother who had a mental illness, and who also threatened to kill him.

I can’t relate to this situation, but from witnessing single mothers, I know it’s not easy for most to have to raise a child on their own. Furthermore, having a mental illness on top of that makes it even harder, and hurts the child. Usually, children who come from a troubled background end up in adoption homes, foster care, or forced to live on their own. I’m not implying that females aren’t negatively affected by this, but it happens more so with males; particularly African American males.

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In my opinion, African American males who come from a single-parent home where the father was not presented from their early childhood up until their adolescent years, often wind up making the worse decisions. Most troubled children turn to the streets, join gangs, and as David Dow stated commit violent crimes. David Dow made a great point about not only how these inmates’ death penalty could have been prevented, but how the crime they committed could have been prevented.

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He believes that if society stepped in a lot earlier when these inmates were headed down the wrong path, a crime would have never been committed; placing them in that predicament of the ‘’death penalty’’.

He suggests if we intervene in some type of way and come up with some possible strategies for motivating these inmates to do right, then these crimes can be prevented. For instance, as Dow mentioned, investing money into fulfilling the economic needs of those kids who are financially unstable or troubled. Special dangerous schools for disadvantaged kids are very much needed, providing schools that are made just for kids who come from a troubled childhood and have financial issues, or those practically left no choice but to live on their own and can’t provide for themselves. Dow also mentioned stepping into dangerous situations and removing that child before things get worse. He stated that this would be considered ‘’controversial’’ because this is usually something, the typical person would not do. In society today, we are very much aware of the bad things that are happening around us but aren’t brave enough or care as much to intervene, if it means saving someone’s life. As Dow said, it is going to take society to work together towards making these things happen such as taxpayers, policymakers, lawyers, judges, citizens and so much more. Lastly, Dow made a good point regarding how these solutions can be beneficial economically. He’s implying that in society putting forth the effort to invest money into helping those who are disadvantaged, the cost is less. However, it cost more to punish those who commit violent crimes. homes nevertheless, if we had played a role in helping; at least, some of those crimes could’ve been prevented.

Yes, I believe this makes perfect sense and I honestly never looked at it from that perspective. I do know that the majority of troubled kids are most likely to be punished, sent to jail, or a detention center, but not more so anywhere they can receive some help and guidance. However, these resources are most likely to be available a lot more than better solutions for the problems these kids may have. David Dow’s message was very inspiring and challenging and requires a lot of working together for a positive cause. Because as Dow stated if someone attempted to remove a child from a dangerous environment, where can that child go if the resources aren’t provided? Furthermore, considering these solutions may be challenging for those who find it difficult to see a supposed criminal as being a victim; if they had received the help they needed.

Updated: May 27, 2022
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Ppreventable Crimes. (2022, May 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/ppreventable-crimes-essay

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